****mummytoo2boys labour thread**** baby here!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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hey got a text from amanda................................

Hey huni it's mummytoo2boys, waters have gone at 1am up at cmu in assessment, contracting every 4-5 mins lasting 45-50 secs x

good luck hun hope it isnt a long one! Will update when i hear more! X


Baby Ethan born 5.36am weighting 7 lbs 9.5 :) all well

congrats and well done for the speedy labour! Xx
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Ooh exciting! It's all go here today! Good luck! X
Amazing!!! Can't believe all these babies are coming! Congratulations xxx
Wow that was quick! Congratulations!! X
Wow, lots of speedy labours lately, hope mines that quick! Congratulations! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Wow what a speedy labour, congratulation on baby Ethan, Amanda xx
Wow so glad it was fast for you hun! Congratulations!!!! :yay: x x
Oh wow, these baby's aren't holding back are they? Must be something in the water with all these fast labours :D

Congrats mummytoo2boys xx
Morning ladies thanks for all the lovely comments, got up at 1am for the loo n had a gush, it was confirmed on arrival that it was my hind waters and I was 2-3 cm. as its my 3rd baby they adviced me to stay so spent about an 1 n a held in lounge getting through contractions at 4am I had fought and asked to be examined and I 5cm so went into room with gas n air and deleiverd baby Ethan at 5.36am, tired now but can't sleep :) no stitches this time so I'm over the moon, getting home about 12pm can't wait to get him home to his brothers who are itching to see him. Thanks ladies n good luck too all xxx
oh wow! congratulations hun!!

cant wait to see pics!!!


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