Mummy's of thumb suckers....

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Do they eventually stop grabbing their eyes when they find their thumbs?

I've had 2 dody suckers as I never wanted mine to suck fingers or thumbs after being a finger sucker myself.

Sid seems to prefer his thumb to his dody but he still occasionally catches his cheeks or eyes when finding it.....when do they learn not to??
Both mine learnt quite quickly not to - within days of realising there's something there worth sucking on. And both grew out of the thumb sucking after a few months x
Jacob was a dody sucker until he was about 5 months old and then decided to keep pulling it in and out because it made a nice noise, LOL! Then a while back he decided to be a thumb sucker but only when teething to comfort himself! Sid will learn in his own time which I know can be frustrating have you tried to show him how to place it in his mouth himself? :)
Ella's still not 100% when it comes to finding her thumb, that's cos she spends most her time with either her whole fist on there or both her feet :lol: it didn't take katie long at all tho and you know what she's like with her bloody thumb!
She's awful with it! Her tights all have yellow feet from where she tries to eat her dinner and her feet at the same time :wall:
Yes jack use to find his mouth via his nose, cheeks and ears but within a couple of weeks he got it straight to his mouth!

Speaking of which he is currently stood in the middle of the lounge with his thumb in and his other hand clinging to my ugg boot.

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