Mummies to big born babies (9 lb ish)


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Jake was 8lb 15 at birth so born big. 8 months on he is huge! Not fat, just very tall. He is the youngest at nursery but is the same height or bigger than the other babies who are all 1 year +

Does it even out at all? Not that Im bothered by it, Im so proud of my little man.

Anyway, here is a photo of him this evening. His play pen is the same height as a normal door gate just to give you an idea. (I tried to resize it but photobucket kept crashing so sorry its so big )

He looks fine to me :D

I'd give anything for Ryan to have cute chubby little legs like that. He was 9lb when he was born but never stayed big, he's proper skinny bless him :lol:
both my kiddos were big at birth (Lydia was 10lbs 10oz and Alex was 10lbs 1oz).

They are heavy but proportionate because they are long/tall as well. Lydia looks about 4 when she's standing up. She's not fat at all but she still has toddler podge (if that makes sense). She is easily as tall as some kids I see walking home from reception class in school.

Alex has right chunky legs like Lydia did as a baby but again he's long and not fat. Chubby yes but in a normal baby way - not in an obese way lol. Much like your son's legs.

Your son looks just fine to me :)
I've had 2 biggish babies. Aimee was 8lb 11oz but she never gained hardly any weight and within a couple of months was skinny and she stayed that way.
Nathan was 9lb 5oz and is massive. Hes almost 14 months and is on the 98th centile for height and weight and already weighs well more than Aimee. He has been in 18-23 month old cloths for ages. The HV said to me the other day that he should start slowing down soon when he starts to walk. Well hes been crawling since 9 months, very fast, and walking since 11 months and never keeps still so I don't know what she was on about. People always think hes a lot older than he is and try to talk to him :rotfl:
Hannah was 10lb 4oz but she is a tiny little thing now and has been since about 6 months, my son was 8lb 9oz and he was a massive baby and has always been a well built lad :hug:
Stephen was born tiny Nat, but from birth onwards he was wacking on a good 1 - 2 pounds on a week.

By jakes age he was around the same height and just enormous! ive just checked his weight and he was 27lbs!

It does even out though, now stephens much older hes very tall and slim, the only bit of flab in site is on his bottom and his thighs!

Jake looks great Nat and not fat at all, there meant to be well covered, hes gorgoeous! is he hard to carry about now?
christopher was 10lbs 14.5oz at birth and was very chuncy and very very long for some months but now he has evend out hes not skinny bt not chunky either although he is still tall :lol:
Hope wasd 9lb 8 at borth and now shes over half my height now :lol: Im only 5ft 3 but shes massive, and she has those little chunky legs too, but shes not fat dont worry :D
Ryan was 10lb 7.5oz and he's always been really chubby. He's 21 pound now and still chubby, but not out of proportion as he is tall. His dad is 6 ft 6

Alfie was big at birth, 9lb 6oz and was on 95th centile. Now at 9 months he is just below the 50th centile so he has evened out load.

My sis in law had and 11lb 1oz baby he was one in January and is still big. He is bigger than my friends son who is 18 months. But i=ha has different proportions and his head is still quite big. I think he'll grow into it though.


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