MRI safe while TTC?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2016
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I have got my letter for my MRI contrast dye appointment, its the day I am due to do a pg test according to Ovia. That should put me at 12DPO, should I use FRER or the Home Bargains test for this many DPO? I want to get an accurate result since the letter says its not advisable to have it if you are pregnant but I might not get a clear positive by that date even if I am

I hope that because both knees are being done, I will be able to have my top half out of the machine, I dont like being completely enclosed like I was for my spine. Has anyone else had a contrast dye MRI on a knee before? Looking for any advice or reassurance!
Use a frer hun, I've had 2 MRI's and you definitely can't have it done if you're pregnant. xx
Use a frer hun, I've had 2 MRI's and you definitely can't have it done if you're pregnant. xx

Thank you. I am worried about all of it really, not relishing the contrast dye injections or being enclosed but what worries me the most is being pregnant but too early to detect and I go ahead with the MRI and it affects the pregnancy

What is the usual DPO to test? i just dont know if 12 days is going to be a definite answer xx
Use a frer hun, I've had 2 MRI's and you definitely can't have it done if you're pregnant. xx

Thank you. I am worried about all of it really, not relishing the contrast dye injections or being enclosed but what worries me the most is being pregnant but too early to detect and I go ahead with the MRI and it affects the pregnancy

What is the usual DPO to test? i just dont know if 12 days is going to be a definite answer xx

I got a dark positive on a frer at 11dpo, but make sure its the early response one not the one from Asda which isn't, both are in the same colour box so read the small print. x
Use a frer hun, I've had 2 MRI's and you definitely can't have it done if you're pregnant. xx

Thank you. I am worried about all of it really, not relishing the contrast dye injections or being enclosed but what worries me the most is being pregnant but too early to detect and I go ahead with the MRI and it affects the pregnancy

What is the usual DPO to test? i just dont know if 12 days is going to be a definite answer xx

I got a dark positive on a frer at 11dpo, but make sure its the early response one not the one from Asda which isn't, both are in the same colour box so read the small print. x

Its the one in the pink box first repsonse early pregnancy test ones, I got them off ebay. I have just checked my letter and its the 26th I have to go, so I wont have to rush taking my test, as long as I do it on the day I will be just fine x
Use a frer hun, I've had 2 MRI's and you definitely can't have it done if you're pregnant. xx

Thank you. I am worried about all of it really, not relishing the contrast dye injections or being enclosed but what worries me the most is being pregnant but too early to detect and I go ahead with the MRI and it affects the pregnancy

What is the usual DPO to test? i just dont know if 12 days is going to be a definite answer xx

I got a dark positive on a frer at 11dpo, but make sure its the early response one not the one from Asda which isn't, both are in the same colour box so read the small print. x

Its the one in the pink box first repsonse early pregnancy test ones, I got them off ebay. I have just checked my letter and its the 26th I have to go, so I wont have to rush taking my test, as long as I do it on the day I will be just fine x

The ones in Asda were also in a pink box but the foil package inside was white instead of pink, when I looked on the box tiny writing didn't say early response, it was for day of missed period. Good luck hun. x
Use a frer hun, I've had 2 MRI's and you definitely can't have it done if you're pregnant. xx

Thank you. I am worried about all of it really, not relishing the contrast dye injections or being enclosed but what worries me the most is being pregnant but too early to detect and I go ahead with the MRI and it affects the pregnancy

What is the usual DPO to test? i just dont know if 12 days is going to be a definite answer xx

I got a dark positive on a frer at 11dpo, but make sure its the early response one not the one from Asda which isn't, both are in the same colour box so read the small print. x

Its the one in the pink box first repsonse early pregnancy test ones, I got them off ebay. I have just checked my letter and its the 26th I have to go, so I wont have to rush taking my test, as long as I do it on the day I will be just fine x

The ones in Asda were also in a pink box but the foil package inside was white instead of pink, when I looked on the box tiny writing didn't say early response, it was for day of missed period. Good luck hun. x

How sneaky of them! The foil in these ones are pink and its got early response on. Pleased I know about that now, I would hate to be tricked after paying so much for them. Thank you, I am a little nervous but it has to be done so I shall have ot man up and get on with it! x
Just emphasise that there's a possibility that you could be pregnant perhaps phone them in advance to gain advise and perhaps reschedule the appointment for a week or two later so you know for sure whether you caught or not x

Just emphasise that there's a possibility that you could be pregnant perhaps phone them in advance to gain advise and perhaps reschedule the appointment for a week or two later so you know for sure whether you caught or not x

Thank you. I am so happy that my appointment is on the 26th, I have no idea why I thought we were a week ahead of the month, must be stress! That will put me at 19DPO I think so that should be a good indicator if I use a FRER shouldnt it? I will tell them that I am trying and there is the possibility x
Yeah I think it should! Can use anything, I only ever got digitals from cb and used to buy cheap tests from home bargains and places like that but I'm a cheapskate and didnt like forking out for frers esp cause the lines are so thin lol! Suppose that's personal preference as many ladies here seem to favour them then again times change and perhaps so does the quality of the tests avail today x

Yeah I think it should! Can use anything, I only ever got digitals from cb and used to buy cheap tests from home bargains and places like that but I'm a cheapskate and didnt like forking out for frers esp cause the lines are so thin lol! Suppose that's personal preference as many ladies here seem to favour them then again times change and perhaps so does the quality of the tests avail today x

I have 3 boxes of Home Bargains tests, how sensitive are they? As in how many DPOs would they give me a positive? I have a couple of FRERs too but I dont like 'wasting' those if I test too soon x

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