moving on or carrying on?


Jan 2, 2013
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10 years of trying, 10 years of bfn every month, I dont think I can do this anymore. My ds is off to secondary school in september and, although I am only 33, this makes me feel that I am too old and the age gap too great. Unexplained infertility, all our tests great, nothing medically stopping us, we are just 'unlucky' and with no money to pursue any treatment I feel I have to give up my dream. Is there still hope after such a long time? Is it worth trying now ds is almost 11? I dont know but I know I still feel very broody and would love to welcome a baby still into our lives. Just offloading.... the neg tests are still very hard to take after all this time.
Hi hun i know exactly what your sayin my dd is 15 and ds 8 we have been tryin 7 years my gp says its down to bad luck i could of smacked him in the mouth .... i think im ready to give up now ... im 36 hubby is 42 .... ive been usin opks for years timing dtds just right got hubby on zinc and me on pregaday hubby even gave up havin a beer ... but i carnt take it anymore this cycles been messed up i always ov cd14 but i dont know if i even ovd this month as ive never hada positive opk ... its really gettin me down now ... and think maybe its time to admit defeat that im not ever going to be able to have anympre children ... imjust about to empty my ttc drawer .. opks .. balance activ gel hpts the lot are goin in the bin ..... sorry for the long post (ramble )

I dont think the age gap is too big and ur certainly not too old either xxxx
Sorry you are going through this as well. I think if we had something to explain it it may be easier, at least there would be something we could work on fixing. Our GP just told us to relax and keep trying - she got a piece of our minds!! Useless. We have had periods of relaxed trying with nothing, periods with opks, preseed and even a cbfm.... all normal, all at the right times and more! Still nothing. We have both been for the basic tests and were told all is optimal...its very frustrating. I hope you have some luck soon (hugs)
I agree its soo frustrating .. and people always ask are u having more ermmmm hello we are trying .. yeah gps give the best advice dont they haha relax yeah right u try relaxing when your body clocks ticking and the broodiness gets stronger and stronger arghh lol .... i hope you get your bfp real soon hun xxx

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