Moving and stressed!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I'm feeling really stressed out today! I am moving to my new house tomorrow and am trying to pack and work at the same time. I'm getting a headache and am feeling really p*ssed off! My DH is doing most of the move next Tuesday without me in the way but he is at work until 10pm tonight and I feel really pressured to get all my stuff packed up and do all my next weeks work (I'm self employed) today. What's worst is that we wont have our internet connected until next Friday which means I wont be able to come on here either.

Sorry, I just had to have a moan :(
Oh no Skatty, I've been meaning to post you and see how it's going - obviously not too well at the mo with you being stressed out! Just think one week (if even) of hell and then you'll be in your great new home :dance: :dance: !!! It's got to happen, just take a break for a mo put your feet and have a cuppa (or whatever tickles your fancy) and some chocolate! If you don't manage to get it all done you'll survive! Remember you are preggers!
We will miss you while you're not online, so as soon as you get reconnect let us know. Oh yes one more thing, remember all of this cause at the end of next month we'll be moving into our new property so trust me I'll be doing some whinging of my own at the time :wink: !!!
its not nice skatty. i moved back in march while i had terrible sickness and fatigue and it was murder. Just do as much as you can packing wise and let everyone do all the hard work for you. Don't get stressed it all works itself out in the end.
Take cre and take it easy.
Just take it easy honey and do what you can.

Before you know it you'll be all moved and settled :D

We'll miss you whilst you are offline :(
Thank you everyone. I took my dog out for a long walk and feel much better. Also DH rang and told me to look in the freezer and he sneaked me a huge white choc ice lolly in as he knew I'd need a sugar boost :lol:

Daggers feel free to moan when you move. I can't believe how quick your pregnancy is going :shock:

I will miss you all next week! I hope there will be loads more peeps with their BFPs too, there seems to have been a boom recently!
Skatty, awww you got a good OH as well, mine called me earlier to say he got me a present form the bakery - hmmmm what could it be?!
Yes things have suddenly started going at a hundred miles an hour - as I'm sure you can appreciate, got the house, confirmed my maternity leave date (28th July, yippee :dance: ), and today started buying the first of my hospital bag necessities - just in case! Also thinking about ordering the nursery furniture now that I've choosen what I want so it can be delievered to our new house beginning August - ahhh! It's all so scary :shock: . Have you looked into nursery funiture as yet? Man I wish I was as far as you in terms of moving, can't wait just feel like a sitting duck at the mo! Enjoy your ice cream - hmmm :moon:
Sorry you are feeling so stressed today Skatty, just think this time next week, you'll have everything in and can start getting your little girls first home up and running!! Make sure you log on when you can next week so that we know you haven't gone completely round the bend - be thinking of you!!
Thanks Dippy, I am sure I will be logging straight on to seee what I have missed :D

Daggers, I'm doing the predictable pink and girly nursery! :lol: I have bought an animal border from ebay and those stickers that you can take on and off the wall. My Dad bought the cot for us and its nice and plain white. I'm not sure if I need to buy blankets though as I have bought gro bags for her to sleep in, I'm really paranoid about cot death!

What colour are you decorating your nursery now you know you are having a boy? I was going to do mine in primary colours if I was having a boy. Actually that was the plan whatever the sex but I couldn't resist all the girly stuff :lol:
heehee! Not sure about the colour scheme, think I'll leave the walls white, the nursery furniture I want to order is sort of cedar / pine colour - so fairly plain! I also want to order some animal stickers and put those around the nursery, I've also seen some plastic moons and stars that you hang on the wall and when you touch them they light up, was thinking of maybe getting some of them but not sure as it might be OTT?! It's all so new which makes it hard to decide!!!
Must say I like what your looking to do with your little 'n's nursery, bet you'll be ever so pleased when it's all done :wink: !
You feeling a bit better now? When are you discontecting from us - tomorrow :cry: ?
oh yes, I think the baby gros should be okay, I'll be doing the same instead of using blankets, think I'll just have a couple of spare blankets in case it gets really chilly

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