

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Just thought Id do alittle survey on movement...

Can you ladies describe what you have felt
When first felt it
and if the movement has changed? Ie used to be very slight movements, now slight kicks.

Im still unsure if I can feel stuff, it frustrates me loads cause its like you could swear you felt something in there but unsure if it was bubba or just the hope of feeling something.

As You can tell im quite an impatient person.

Well, I always think that you shouldn't doubt bubs' ability! What you are feeling probably IS ickle bambino as you call him!

Erm. OK:

First felt proper prods and pokes at 16 weeks (it was very sudden and after that, daily). Now it's a lot stronger and it can startle me because they're strong little buggers when they get going!

I'm pretty sure I know baby's routine... It's wide awake about about 4pm, then quietens down a bit, then lively again from about 8pm til early morning (about 6am) then it quietens down til about 4pm the next day! Weird. :shock:

The first prods and pokes felt like a gentle poke from the inside. I knew it was baby but it was a really bizarre feeling. x
felt bubbles at 15 weeks, not very frequent for first few weeks then by about 18 weeks was getting movements. Saw a knee or head move across my stomach about that time (very feaky looked like a wave).

Now it feels like more bubbles if someone is kicking down or prods if kicking out.

I felt slight movements quite early on in this pregnancy and then started seeing belly moving about 18 weeks give or take a week or two. Some days at that point were more busyer than others but now baby has a pretty good wake and kick routine tending to be all freaking day :rotfl: No mornings he/she is quite active and last thing at night when i'm about to go to sleep he/she very active typically. Until this week only really felt baby below belly button area and could be quite uncomfortable but now kicks are much harder and have gone above belly button area.
I felt bubbles at 17 weeks, it felt kinda like wind but I just knew it wasn't. Now I feel him every day but he's been good so far and not kept me awake at night! I often feel "rumbles" and also more definite kicks which are quite hard but don't hurt at all, feels like a lovely windy stomach flippy feeling xxx
I felt really light bubbly feelings this weekend at first it felt like when your nervous and have butterflies, a couple of times im sure i've felt a little kick and kind of the feeling of going over the edge of a rollercoaster when your stomach flips. I think these have all been baby but haven't felt much most of this week cause have had alot of pain from cyst and I think the feelings are so small and subtle still couldn't feel them past the pain but now thats eased off have been feeling them abit again can't wait for them to be proper kicks so I can be 100% sure its baby and not keep doubting myself!

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