Hi All!
Well sorry Ive not been around. I only have internet at work due to moving house. And I only work Mon, Thurs and Fri, but I was off sick Monday so there we go!
Anyway an eventful week. I had my private Scan on Saturday and my Booking in Appointment on Wednesday.
Firstly the scan:
It went well. There was a tiny Sprout in there with a heartbeat. It was really tucked in the corner so she struggled at first to get a good pic and measure it. But first measurement it was only 6mm (6+3). Then she did it again and it looked like Sprout had stretched out a bit and measured 7mm. But this only equalled 6 weeks and 4 days! I thought at the earliest possible I would be 7+2, and that would have been on a 41 day cycle! Longest cycle I had previously was 38 days. But with this measurement it meant I would have had a 46 day cycle!!! It also means I got a positive test at only 3+2!!! Now the more I think about this the more it makes no sense.
Is it possible to get a positive HPT that early?? Also the latest day we bdd was the 21st April, so Im not even sure if this works out right??
Amway I am a bit confused. But as long as Sprout is there and healthy that is all that matters. I am just worried maybe the dates mean he isnt growing right or something. What a panicker!
With Alfie we had a scan at 7 weeks and it was just a round flashing blob. But this time even though he was apparently earlier than 7 weeks it looked much more like a bean and more like a baby than last time. Weird eh??
Anyway I havent told the midwife I had an early scan as she thinks I am 9 ½ weeks pregnant. And the nuchal scan has to be between 11 and 13+6. So I will get one sooner if I dont tell them. And if its too early they will have to book me in for another. I know its a bit naughty but I really need to see Sprout again as soon as I can to see he is ok and to see if dates were right.
Anyway for £50 we got 9 photos, all on a disc too! and a short DVD clip of Sprouts heart flashing. I want to post but cant really put on PC as at work and no one knows!
They were really nice. Im just a bit concerned about the whole date thing. Can anyone help?
Will send another post about booking apt as otherwise this will go on forever!
Love Laura
Well sorry Ive not been around. I only have internet at work due to moving house. And I only work Mon, Thurs and Fri, but I was off sick Monday so there we go!
Anyway an eventful week. I had my private Scan on Saturday and my Booking in Appointment on Wednesday.
Firstly the scan:
It went well. There was a tiny Sprout in there with a heartbeat. It was really tucked in the corner so she struggled at first to get a good pic and measure it. But first measurement it was only 6mm (6+3). Then she did it again and it looked like Sprout had stretched out a bit and measured 7mm. But this only equalled 6 weeks and 4 days! I thought at the earliest possible I would be 7+2, and that would have been on a 41 day cycle! Longest cycle I had previously was 38 days. But with this measurement it meant I would have had a 46 day cycle!!! It also means I got a positive test at only 3+2!!! Now the more I think about this the more it makes no sense.

Is it possible to get a positive HPT that early?? Also the latest day we bdd was the 21st April, so Im not even sure if this works out right??
Amway I am a bit confused. But as long as Sprout is there and healthy that is all that matters. I am just worried maybe the dates mean he isnt growing right or something. What a panicker!

With Alfie we had a scan at 7 weeks and it was just a round flashing blob. But this time even though he was apparently earlier than 7 weeks it looked much more like a bean and more like a baby than last time. Weird eh??
Anyway I havent told the midwife I had an early scan as she thinks I am 9 ½ weeks pregnant. And the nuchal scan has to be between 11 and 13+6. So I will get one sooner if I dont tell them. And if its too early they will have to book me in for another. I know its a bit naughty but I really need to see Sprout again as soon as I can to see he is ok and to see if dates were right.
Anyway for £50 we got 9 photos, all on a disc too! and a short DVD clip of Sprouts heart flashing. I want to post but cant really put on PC as at work and no one knows!
They were really nice. Im just a bit concerned about the whole date thing. Can anyone help?
Will send another post about booking apt as otherwise this will go on forever!
Love Laura