mother & mother in law


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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my mother in law cant help herself she keeps buying everything, pram, bouncer, baby bath, and of course Im not complaining! But I can't get her to calm down and its making my mother angry at me and saying she is 'being left out again' but im not leaving her out? and why is she angry at me?

advice? xx:wall2:
Ask her politely to wait a bit as, you would rather get to 12 weeks? and say my mum wants to buy stuff to?
Your not alone my mother in law has already bought me and my partner a few baby items, but it was only a couple of baby grows and baby towels. But I didn't expect anything till at least my 2nd scan x

All I could say is try and get your mum involve and tell your partner to let their mother know you want her to back off as its early days, just blame her for making you stressful so she needs to back off alittle so you can be stress free x
Thanks, I know my mum doesn't want left out, but she doesnt have the money for all these things..
So that isn't helping. And I have told my mother in law to calm down a bit, but she keeps saying 'ok but with my next wage..'
Its both their first grandchild so its understandable, but I will get my OH to have some words, and try talk to my mum, if she isnt still angry at me..

Thank you! xx
Yeah I get where your coming from mine doesn't work and his does so shes gone baby mad, since its her first granchild and properly only one. Her other son doesn't seem interested in anything other than warcraft and he's nearly 30 lol! x
I hate that warcraft crap! its just stressful with one person happy and the other upset, my mum rather we bought furniture for our new house than baby stuff, i dont know who to agree with, but the way things are going i dont think we will need to buy anything! xx
personally I'd get the baby stuff later my mum told me not to get buggy before its born or at least not keep it in house as its bad luck :S. At the moment I'm trying to get more stuff for my flat too but hard since i have a few debts and can't find work for toffee :( x
Thats what the original plan was, but with mother in law going overboard in the past few days (yes she has went out and bought all this stuff in a matter of days) were not sure where to start! I think it will be ikea first then by the time furniture is sorted, she has already more than likely got us everything! xx
warcraft is annoying its addicting i think lol but then again i was addicted to XBL before I sold it x
I play the sims 2 all the time and just make them have babies :oops:

sorted lots of things out with my mum tonight and getting mother in law sorted and tell her to calm it! so everything is progressing now xx
I love Sims 2 too, and all they do is have babies!!!
oooh i love the sims 2!
All my Sims look like celebs as i download them from a mod site.
Mine all seem to have triplets at the moment due to a hack i installed -mega fun!!!

With regards to you mum and mother in law.

Mother in law- i'd say to her i appreciate you buying things for the baby etc, however, some of the things me and hubby would like to pick out ourselves-with it being our baby and all could you perhaps stop buying at the moment and let us have a look around at what we would like to buy for our child...we dont mean to offend you in anyway but it would be nice for us to be able to buy something big for the baby ourselves, and if we get stuck you can always give us advice help us pick etc ????

with your mum (once you talked to MIL to stop shopping) how about you suggest the two of you pick a special day just the both of you, go out for lunch and pick out some cute clothes etc and perhaps a moses basket...that way your mum feels wanted plus is helping you choose stuff and also choosing her self at the same time??
I mention the moses basket (if mother in law aint got one already) as thats the first thing baby sleeps in plus some places do really nice ones for as little as £30-40 including the stand which is a bargain...and with the money you could always go in with your mum.
I like that idea as then baby's first bed is a gift from mummy and nanny

Sorry to have rambled but i hope some of this helps. xxx
Hey! I'm having the same problem.

I don't new to buy ANYTHING as Mother in law has actually got everything we need, cot pram you name it it's coming from her. I'm upset because me and OH haven't got anything left to shop for and I'm a bit gutted about that. I was always adament I wasn't going to have a Moses basket but seriously i'm going to buy one just so I can buy somethig myself! I have the money for all this stuff, so I'm grateful in I still have the money left, but I'd rather of gone shopping with it to be perfectly honest! So I am going to buy a Moses basket. And save the rest. Lol. Myother hasn't bought us anything! Bless her! X
i have had an idea! if you oh mum is spending like crazy an u feel a bit sorry for your mum, why dont you say to your mum you would really like her to help you choose the nursery decor, colour ect...and then help you decorate/paint ect...this will then be special to your mum without spending lots.good luck.
i'd give them both a list and say if u want to buy things then only buy whats on the list.... so then they both have a chance to get things... but tell her you don't want to jinx things so early on....
thanks everyone, managed to sort it out after a huge row, now my mother isnt so bothered as daddy might loose his job :( and oh mother is going into depression (she has been in and out of it rather a few times) so iv gave up! just going to wait until my scan and speak to them then! thankss xx
your mum could make a hamper for you like each week when she goes shopping or even once a month or so just buy something like a bag of nappies or pack of wipes baby shampoo or soap ect bibs vest small things and then just before your due buy a cheap wicker basket and place all the things she has bought inside for you that way she will save you a fortune when you just have the baby as they go through a hell of a lot of nappies wipes and shampoo :) or even a baby sitting promise goes down well too lol
I feel for you hun. My MIL doesn't buy anything. Never did for my little boy anyway and they have loads of money. All his things come from my mum and dad who have no money but would still give him there last penny.

I can understand why your mum was angry as i would be to but i think she didn't mean to take it out on you, just a heat of the moment thing. Why do in laws have to be pain in the bums lol xx

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