moses baskets/cots/cot beds


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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could i pick your brains before i drive myself mad....

how long did your LO sleep in a mosses basket?

also, how much use are cot beds? i mean unless im missing something blindingly obvious (which is highly likely) i cant see the point in buying a cot, then a junior bed later on if i can get a cot bed from the start (after a moses basket) or are they awful compared to cots?

i've got pram and car seat sorted, so this is the next on the list.

thank you in advance
Big baby so he was only in the moses basket for 6 weeks before moving into his cot.

We are using a cot till such time he is ready for a big bed (no junior size or anything, just a normal single). Will use side panel then to help prevent falling out.

TBH cot beds are nice if you don't have much room and want your LO to stay in it up to age 5 when they will need to move on to a normal single bed.

I'd personally skip a cot bed, if you want a basket then get one. I found ours useful for naps in daytime as it was easy to move round the house to wherever we needed it. And at night our LO did settle in it fairly well but often would sleep on me also. But from 6 weeks he has been in a cot.
right thanks :D i've got a basket, cos ... well i had an argos voucher and got it for next to nothing, plus it looked so nice for her to be snuggled into

thinking about it my friends daughter is 4 and she's had a normal single bed for about 18months but with side rails.
Jess slept in her moses basket for about 8 weeks. She is now sleeping in a regular cot and she is going to stay in there until she is big enough for a normal single bed and like Sherlock I will just get the side panels. xxxxxx
Calleigh was in her moses basket for about two weeks, she didnt like it and kept waking herself her by hitting her arms off the side.
I then moved her into a travel cot as her cotbed was too large for our room and i didnt want to put her in her own room at two weeks.
She slept well in the travel cot until she was about 6 1/2 months and we moved her to the cotbed in her room.
We got given the cotbed so only had to buy a new mattress :)
She will move to a normal single bed when i think she is ready :D
With my eldest, he was in his moses basket for about 3 months until he outgrew it and then we moved him into his cotbed. We went for a cotbed for several reasons tbh, first of all I always knew I wanted another baby afterwards and that they would have to share a room which involved bunk beds because of lack of space. It seemed a waste to buy a moses basket, then a cot and then move onto a bed, when he would only get a couple of years out of it and be moved into a bunk. Secondly, as we wanted it to last him 5/6 years, the cotbed was a more logical option being bigger and the fact we could take the sides off to convert it. Thirdly, when it came to actually buying the cotbed, it was reduced in the sale and worked out about the same price as a cot so seemed better value!! :D

However, with our second baby, she is still in her moses basket at the moment but will soon be moving to a cot. This time we have gone for a smaller cot, one because of the space issue with there already being a cotbed in the same room, and two because when she is big enough we will be getting the bunk beds so rather than having to make 2 or 3 tricky transitions between beds she will go straight from cot to bunk and no bed in between! :D

Personally I would say it totally depends on your circumstances which bed you would go for, take into consideration the cost, the space and how long you want it to last. If we had the space I would definitely have another cotbed over a cot. I can appreciate the point of going straight into a single bed etc, but for me the transition from cot to bed is quite a major move for a child and if you can do it with the minimum of fuss then all the better. When we took the sides off my sons cotbed, we involved him in it so he clearly knew it was the same bed and didnt get distressed when he first had to sleep in it. Plus theres always the option of putting the sides back on if things dont go well! :lol: If we had the space and the kids had their own rooms then they would both be in cotbeds until about 6 years old, by which time they would have their own opinions on decor and stuff, so could help revamping their rooms when it came time to get a single bed and the room could be completely redecorated to their own taste :D As it is though, we are very limited which is why we have gone down the above route :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you everyone

basically, i'm going to be living in one place until baby is 6 months old, then moving to another (1 bed place) its not ideal, and money and space will be tight,

i think its going to depend majorly on whats around, ie whats in the sale :oops:
leland was in my crib (yes 26 years old !!!) till 5 months when he went into his room into a cheap mothercare cot ( there basic range) i decided against a cot bed because the bedding is soooooooooooooooooo expensive that he will go straight into a single bed when time comes .
claire_louise said:
thank you everyone

basically, i'm going to be living in one place until baby is 6 months old, then moving to another (1 bed place) its not ideal, and money and space will be tight,

i think its going to depend majorly on whats around, ie whats in the sale :oops:

Im in a similar situation and only have a 1 bed. I was going to go for a cot over a cotbed, due to space, but there wasnt actually that much in it in the end. I took the measurements of the cotbed and marked it out in my bedroom with shoes and left them there for a bit to see if it would cause problems.. i stuck with the cotbed in the end (just need the baby to put in it!)

Claire x
claire_louise said:
i mean unless im missing something blindingly obvious (which is highly likely) i cant see the point in buying a cot, then a junior bed later on if i can get a cot bed from the start (after a moses basket) or are they awful compared to cots?

I used to think that too. Then I decided I can't wait until Lucy wants to pick her own BIG bed and we can redecorate her room how she wants it when she's older!
With my son (he is 8 yrs now), we never had a moses basket as I knew they didnt last very long. He was in the cot straight away then at about 2 yrs into a proper single bed.
right i now have a plan thanks to everyones help ... (subject to change on a daily basis depending on my mood)

use the moses basket because i have it, until baby is too big/un happy in there

then by a cheaper cot with a good matress

by the age of 2 (or there abouts) have her in a normal single bed with rails on

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