Moses basket


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I've borrowed a moses basket from a friend. I bought a new mattress for it but it was too long (74cm). I measured the bottom of the basket and it's 62cm. Does this seem short?

What is the average length of a moses basket. The mw said to me to expect a long baby (I was 60cm when I was born a week early) so would I be better getting a crib? There is no way we can fit the cot in our bedroom.
Becky's is now all packed away apart from the mattress (which we're chucking), just measured it and it was 64cm. At 3 months she can't fit in it any more. We can't fit the cot in our room either but got a crib from one of OH's colleagues a few weeks ago. I love the moses basket but if I was buying something myself in hindsight I would buy a crib.
I've got a crib you could have had. We're putting baby number 2 straight into a cot. It's a rocking one that you can fasten into a still position. We barely used it because Charlie prefered his carry cot then went into a cot. Wouldn't know how to get it to you though?
I didn't realise they were all different sizes either, our mattress is 67cm long.
WrigleysBextra said:
I've got a crib you could have had. We're putting baby number 2 straight into a cot. It's a rocking one that you can fasten into a still position. We barely used it because Charlie prefered his carry cot then went into a cot. Wouldn't know how to get it to you though?

I've seen some on ebay which are about £15 inc postage 2nd hand so keeping an eye on them at the moment. If I get stuck I will contact you though.
You can get bigger moses baskets too as I'm just discovering.

John Lewis do bigger moses baskets. We have a Mamas and Papas one that only measures 62cm. I've bought a sleepcurve mattress as our first baby had plagio (flat head syndrome), this will help prevent it from happening this time around. Except it's too big for our moses basket.

If you find any bargains on cribs let me know :D

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