Crib or moses basket


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Due to limited space for the time being i don't know whether to buy a swinging crib or a moses basket.

Which would be best to get? Or what have any others bought.
I was wondering this too because of lack of space. I have decided to go for a crib now though because they last for longer than a moses basket will :)
I brought both thinking he'd sleep in the cot at night and moses basket during the day but it didnt work out like that! :doh:

He hated his cot to start with basically coz i think it was too big and made him insecure.

Id get a standard moses basket with a stand. So you can leave the stand in your room for night times and then carry the moses basket for the day. Argos to a cheap simple one and its perfect coz they soon grow out of them so theres no point folking out loads for it!

I would also recommend a bouncer. I use to put my boy in it in the day when he crashed out. and if he was figgity bouncing him always worked.

Hope this helped! :)
If you have limited space I think the crib. Lily is in her moses basket but when she starts growing out of it I will introduce her to her proper cot.
It depends if you need something to have next to you in the day. I can cart the moses basket around (I had a section and was able to move basket crib I woundnt of been able) Cribs are harder to move.
I bought both.

Waste of money. They're not in them very long and my son never liked sleeping in either of them as he kept waving his arms around and banging them.

My advice to you would be to get a travel cot with a bassinet in it. I found my DS would sleep better in it and I can use it when he stays overnight at my mums and also as a playpen.

The one I got was not much wider than my crib.

I hope this helps. xxx
weve got a crib in a room, we are hoping to move before baby needs a cot as it wouldnt fit in our room, well it would but it would be a squeeze lol

we also have a stand in the front room which the carrycot from the pram sits on so kinda like a moses basket
We have gone for a moses basket for the first few months, plus an additional stand. This will give us time to save for a proper cot. The one we chose is from Mothercare, from their Fun at the Zoo range :D
I had cribs for all my 3 but this time I will be getting a moses basket (purely because I havent had one before and have seen the most beautiful one lol)
My first son actually hated the crib, it was too big for him so I had to put him in his pram for the first few nights! Then he got used to it and was fine! My other two were fine from the start!
I would say a crib just because it does last longer than a moses basket but then moses baskets take up less space so?? Gosh Im no help at all am I?? hee hee
I woted crib. Moses baskets are waste of money. You will be lucky if your LO will stay there till he will be 3 months old. What they are writing up to 6 months is a complete rubbish.

Crib will last you till about 6 months. :hug:
I have a moses basket as i have limited space too and a crib would be in the way and I would fall over it.
I have a crib, we don't have room for a cot and we're hoping the crib will last until we can move out into our own place. I'd say crib as they last longer.
I voted crib too - Dylan has only just moved out of his crib this week so I got a lot of use out of it. I use his pram for letting him sleep during the day if I'm down the has a good mattress on it so doesn't do him any harm x
I plan on having a moses basket, purely becuase it's more mobile and I can have it downstairs with me in the day upstairs in our room at night. Once the baby is too big for it I want to try and get them straight into a cot in their own room at that point (first time mum with all the best plans.... :rotfl: )

I haven't voted because I'm not a mum yet so can't give an educated opinion but wanted to say why I wanted moses basket
I bought a crib for our bedroom and a Moses basket for downstairs, but I just ended up carrying her up and putting the Moses basket in the crib :doh: When Paige goes in the big cot in her big sister's room, I'll probably sell the crib and just have a Moses basket next time! I've got two stands so I could have one upstairs and downstairs x
I originally brought just a crib for our bedroom but then decided i needed something for downstairs so i brought a 2nd hand moses basket and stand off ebay and just brought a new matress for it . Its like new and was a bargain..

My son was in his moses basket till he was about 5-6 months old but he was a small baby..
i had both with charlotte and both this time, one for upstairs and one for downstairs. moses basket is good as you can carry it around with you but i found the crib better tho i will admit as it last longer, charlie outgrew moses quickly
I say moses basket cos they can be moved around the house. I like having baby in the same room as me for the first few weeks.
Cribs are too heavy to move around easily.
They can be handy though if you want baby in your room but don't have room for a cot

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