Mortgage or Rent?

we used to rent a 3 bed house privatley for 550 a month till the landlord sold the house, as of tomorrow (when we get the keys) we will be paying 312 a month from housing association on a 3 bed brand new house.
mummykay said:
sarah113 said:
We are in a 2 bed house at the moment and our rent is £353 a month

what???? are u serious???? or is that after HB have paid their share???

i want to pay cheap rent :(

we dont get HB, thats including some arrears aswell, rent is normally £65 a week
As Sam says above we Mortgage our home a 2 bed terrace. if we wanted to rent it it would cost around £550 - £600, we lot less than that.

We have always had a mortgae and used family as garantours (sp), I would recommend this as the mortgage if the bank give you a rubbish quote because payments arent high and most people can afford a lot more than the mortgage company think they can, so then you can get a higher mortgage amount to get a bigger house! Our terms and conditions stated only 30% was liable through the guarantours which was amazing. The guarantor mortgage was only valid as long as we were in uni, so we havent got it anymore, but I think they can be used without this clause.

Finally a little story of a quote I got from one bank, I phoned this bank up and was honest to them. We we're told that we could be given a mortgae of 18,000...thats right 18k...I think they must've miss heard something...I laughed and hung up! (funnily enough it was the same bank as our mortgage is with anyway!)
We have a 3 bedroomed detatched worth £290k and we have a £60k mortgage on it over 35 years which is working out at about £450 a month inc. mortgage protection cover.
:hug: mummykay :hug:
We're in a 1bed flat and paying rent for it really p!sses me off seeing as its way too small anyway :x we don't get help with rent or council tax, and with only OH working we can't get anything decent to be able to get a mortgage :( I'd say go for it if you get the opportunity, maybe borrow from OH's parents? You could always ask :D very best wishes :hug:
We rent a 3 bedroom house for £75 a week. I would love to buy one though, I hate living here :x
I rent a 2 bed house for £580 a month. Id love to buy but Id never get a mortgage and even with OH wages as well they'd only give us aroubd £80k which wouldnt even buy us a garage around here. Hopefully house prices will keep dropping then we'll be able to :D
We rent a 2 bed house for £525 and just recently have been looking at getting a mortgage. We can get upto £175k :shock: but we wouldn't want that much. We're still undecided as to when we're going to get a house - we've spent the past 2 weeks viewing houses but probably won't get any of them unless they accept a mental offer.
we rent off the council and pay £80 a week we live on the 5th floor of a tower block and i know most people will think this is quite pikyish but i love my flat it is not on an estate or in a rough area and we have 2 massive bedrooms and big kitchen and living room, i love my flat the only thing i wish was that we had a garden for willow we do have a very big balcony with plenty of outdoor playing space but a garden would be better.
We have a mortgage of £141,000 and pay £970 a month :shock: We had problems getting a mortgage though as we are both in RAF which is a bad thing for some reason :?
we pay £1350 per month for our house which was helped by an £85,000 profit on my last house :)

Oxford is so expensive though, if A didn't have to commute into London, I would probably have moves somewhere cheaper. Although, saying that it is a lovely place to live :)
We rent a fully furnished 2 bed flat for £550 pm. We're happy to rent for the next few years as neither of us want to settle down in one place just yet, plus I want to go to uni in a couple of years so can't commit to anything yet.
We have a mortgage for 80k but we only bought our house in May prices are still quite cheap in Hull though.

Before we bought we was living with parents.

Our house is a 3 bed terrace and we have had to re-plaster all the walls. We have only finished the living room, dining room, our bedroom, Lola's room and the hall way.

It still needs a new kitchen and bathroom and the 3rd bedroom is really small so we are chaning it into a shower room after christmas
We have a mortgage, I rented for a while a couple of years ago and it was £400 a month for a 2 bed.
What we pay now in mortgage would be the same as renting a 3 bed house.
we've got a mortgage on our 1 bed flat...

we're gonna have to move next year when trog arrives though, but we're hoping that we can do a buy-to-let mortgage on our flat and use the equity that we've gained (due to stupid London house prices) to buy a proper house.

we've got to chat to our mortgage provider about it all though, cos i'm not sure how much of a 2nd mortgage we'll be allowed with me being on maternity leave... :think: :think:
we rent too , and i hate it when peeps say its dead money , they've never lived in london ! we cant afford to buy the pokey 2 bed flat we live in ( 1 db 1 sg) , its worth 250k , we rent it unfurnished for 800 pcm .

1. we couldnt get a mortgage for 250k even if we wanted too

2. i wouldnt never spend 250k on a flat ! when i want to live back in ipswich and get a 3 or 4 bed for 160k !

3. im presuming a mortgage for 250k plus insurances etc u need would be more then my 800 a month ! plus anything goes wrong , inc washing machine etc its get replaced !

i wish we could own but never in a million years in london !
G3m, I know what you mean! Anders used to live in Putney before we moved to Oxford and it was £1100 pcm for a one bedroom studio flat to rent. We would have loved to have stayed in SW London but it was too expensive to get a 4 bedded house like the one we have in Oxford. Yes £450k is expensive for a house but it's cheaper than London!!

Whereabouts are you in Middlesex? Anders works in West Drayton and commuted daily from here, tink its about 40 miles so not too far :)
Got a mortgage for 135k and pay 616 per month it's a 2 bed flat but will eventually want to sell and buy a 3 bed house.

I say it's better to rent, too much bills when you own your own property.
our 3 bedroom semi is worth 190k and we have a mortgage of 100k which we pay £630 a month on a condition i buy life insurance but thats only £6 a month

Ive never rented, to rent my house would be about 700 a month :shock: and we find it too small as it is.

My first 1 bedroom flat i brought 7 years ago was 32k and only 120 a month :cry: i hate the way house prices have risen recently but i was lucky as i sold for 72k

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