Morning sickness vs babys birth weight

no sick just nausea and 7lb 3 at 42 weeks, charlie was same weight and gestation and I had moderate sickness
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Doesn't look like there's much of a pattern then lol! X
No sickness with both boys Thomas was 6 4 and 4 weeks early James 8 4.5 and 12 days late xxx

Not much apart from in first tri but even then not a great amount. Joshua was 8lbs.x
Horrible nausea and sickness from about 6 weeks to 15 weeks. B was 8lb 11oz
I had no sickness and Ryan was 6 lbs at 38 weeks.
I had really bad sickness with my first three , and they were 6.11, 7.2 and 5.15 and then my last , I only had naseua, really much better than the others and he was 6.6 . I think there is more link to gender and sickness myself
Really bad morning sickness at beginning and end of pg, Charlie was first baby weighed 8lb 3 2 days late x
Had bouts of ms every few weeks all the way through my pregnancy and Mia was 7lb 2oz
I had bad sickness up to 28 weeks then again for few at the very end and Kayla was born 6 15oz 40 mins before her due date

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