Mornin Sickness


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
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My girlfriend is getting a lot of morning sickness

I know this is perfectly normal, and i know others suffer with it more than others..

But is their anythin at all you can do to 'make it better'

Any tips ?

Here are a few tips to help combat morning sickness - Obviously she won't need all of them but may need to try a few before she works out what is suits her best.

Hope they help.
She should;

*Always keep a little something in her stomach. Hunger seems to heighten the nausea, and then eating to appease the hunger exaggerates it. This means eating a small amount about every two hours.
*Limit intake of sweet foods, which may enhance nausea.
*Include foods that have a concentrated caloric and nutrient density in order to maximize intake in a small volume.
*Avoid fatty or greasy foods. They take longer to digest
*Drink beverages separate from eating foods.
*Keep dry, complex carbohydrates around to nibble on, especially before getting up in the morning.
* Low sugar, carbonated beverages may help, such as soda water mixed with a little juice.
*Drink slowly, a few sips at a time.
*Drink ginger ale or ginger tea, or nibble on ginger snaps.
*Drink in order to avoid dehydration.
*Try wearing an acupressure wrist band - the type worn by boaters to avoid seasickness.
*Find which foods she can tolerate, the times at which she can best eat, and then go with that.

You can help by offering support and sympathy. Help her to avoid fatigue, as that can make it worse. Encourage her to get as much rest as possible.
I agree with all of the above - the sickness bands have really helped me. I was a bit suspect of them but they have eased it - not stopped it completely - but they have helped. I can go out now although I do look a bit retro - people think I am wearing sweat bands! Also have tan lines but as long as the sickness eases up I don't care. Good luck! I wish my husband was as caring as you.
sarahg said:
I agree with all of the above - the sickness bands have really helped me. I was a bit suspect of them but they have eased it - not stopped it completely - but they have helped. I can go out now although I do look a bit retro - people think I am wearing sweat bands! Also have tan lines but as long as the sickness eases up I don't care. Good luck! I wish my husband was as caring as you.

So does everyone think im gonna be a good daddy?

Im tryin my best :)
aww its nice you want to know so much esp considering your not currently with your girlfriend.

My only advice on morning sickness is get up and have a drink, so that you can actually be sick as its worse if you are bent over the loo retching and not bringing anything up.

Oh and everyone will say ginger biccies etc are good i dont know if they will work they didnt for me!

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