More Worry.... : (


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2008
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Yet again I am having bleeding!!! aaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!

This is so frustrating! I had bleeding at 7 weeks and went to the EPU for a scan where everything was fine.

Then I had bleeding last weekend and went for another scan last Tuesday which they used as my dating scan in the end because everything was fine - they identified a small area of 'separation' which was causing the bleeding and said it was nothing serious, mainly hormonal and would sort itself out. Baby was fine kicking away and healthy.

And this morning, again, I have had a bleed. It's not bright red blood and I am not in any pain, pretty much the same as the other 2 times really a bit like a show and quite a lot of blood stained discharge. I called my midwife who is off until the weekend, so I called the local hospital, where the midwives are based, several times but there is no answer, so I called my Dr and spoke to the nurse there who said go to hospital. So I called the big hospital locally where the labour ward is and spoke to a midwife who transferred me to the gynaecology ward, where the EPU is, and I spoke to a nurse there who said to keep trying the midwives at my local hospital as they are probably all out on morning visits, but they would be able to see me and listen for the heartbeat. She said if I still couldn't get throught to them then to call her back and they would scan me.

I'm not in as much of a state as I was in last week, I heard the baby's heartbeat myself on Sunday night with the doppler I bought off ebay - I daren't try and listen to it now in case I can't find it! and the past 2 times everything has been ok but like my midwife said you should not ignore bleeding as it is not normal! So I am off work again stressed out and worried, please everything be ok :pray:
Just wanted to say that I really hope that all is well. You should definately get checked out, but as you know bleeding doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. However, until see the mw or hospital then you are bound to panic.
Thinking of you, Keep us posted... :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies

Just come back from the hospital where I saw a MW, she used the doppler to listen for baby and we heard a strong little hearbeat so feeling a bit better from her reassurance. She said I could quite possibly have this bleeding for a while longer yet - oh joy! At least I know that I am heading for tri 2 this week and the further on I get then the more positive I feel! I have forgotten what it is like to feel 'normal'! lol xx
:hug: :hug: :hug: i know how you feel hun, i had bleeding at 10 weeks, 11 weeks and then again at 15 weeks and baby is fine. glad you got to hear the heartbeat and everything is fine :hug:
Glad everything is fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
I bled so many times with Brody - it turned out to be a polyp on the cervix and the slightest thing would set it off bleeding. :hug: :hug:
I bled on Sunday night and I was petrified I was in such a state, went to the hospital and had my 12 week scan yesterday instead of next week and bubs was fine thank god! Once I get past the 12 weeks ill stop panicking as much as the doctor said its very common

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