Moody Moo


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Yes, today I am a moody Moo. It can't be helped, and I can't control it. Mr Littlemuffin just called me, as we are getting a new car, and he has said the garage has put it back a week. He is on a stag do next week, so for some reason I can't explain, I went stroppy, like I was a teenager again.

Anyone else having mood swings. I think by the end of today, either no one will be talking to me, or I will hide myself away so I am not rude.
Littlemuffin, firstly please tell me that is really your sir name along with Mr Littlemuffin?!?!?!

Your supposed to be able to get away with moods now but maybe a little 'sorry hunny its the hormones' will do the trick! Also count to 5, scream and then relax, always helps!!!!x
My DH keeps telling me im a complete B***CH - then laughs at me. so im guessing that means im pretty moody,. I phoned a friend to go out last weekend cos every little thing he did annoyed me - i could hear myself being such a pain but i just couldnt stop it. Had to leave the house before i caused a proper row. lol

Im normally chilled out and not a moody person but this week I wake up
in a bad mood and go to bed in a bad mood. I cooked dinner last night for my bf and his colleague although I couldn't face eating but threw a fit when they were 20 mins late...v.embarassing!

I'm hoping by Monday there might be a nicer pregnancy symptom to contend with than the little devil one this week!! :) xx
Twinkles, No its not our name, we have a really boring surname of Cole. But I can't get to grips with all the OH, and DH. Most of the time I can't understand what they are talking about. So like they do on loosewomen, (that I see when I am off sick) they call there husband by the surname. We are calling the baby muffin at the moment, so he is Mr Littlemuffin.
Awww ha ha thats lushous!!! I need a name for our little one! So cute!x
How about twinkletoes :) xx
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MMmmmmm twinkletoes are the glittery pedicures I have done daily all summer(beauty therapist)!!! Ha ha! Good thought but reminds me of feet! xx

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