Money Worries


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013
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I'm really starting to worry about money now. I'm 18 with a part time job (20 hours a week) and I still live at my parents. My botfriend is 19 and recently got paid out of his job as there was no work, he's desperately trying to find a job ASAP. He also lives at his parents.

We really want to move in together just before the baby is born around April. But finance is really starting to worry me.

Any other mums to be out there in this situation?
Since you and your boyfriend are still young, i think your parents can give you some financial support to raise you baby, so do not worry too much. Young couples are always tight on money which is very normal.
I know it's not ideal and I will probably get judged for saying it, but have you tried applying for a council house together? And if your oh claims job seekers allowance, you could then get housing benefit which would help you out to start with. And I think everyone is entitled to £500 for there first child aren't they? Xx
I think it will be better to get help from your parents.
Ideally it would be great for you to both move in together but unless you are financially stable, that would be very difficult and an extra stress that you don't need. I think that you should both stay with your parents until your financial situation is better.
Ideally it would be great for you to both move in together but unless you are financially stable, that would be very difficult and an extra stress that you don't need. I think that you should both stay with your parents until your financial situation is better.

That's good advice as much as its not what you want I was struggling financially when my son was born both me and my hubby had been made redundant and the stress of house and bills on top of a new baby was very hard

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Just seen all these replies.

Boyfriend and I are both in Jonas now. Lee does nights as it's more money.

We want to live together. So would a private landlord be better, or council house?
Council is half the price compared to private

I'd have baby first
you will need practical help
your bf will be working and not there a lot and youll be lonely. ..

at home with mum n dad you can both save. Get help with baby and have a rest if need be. Running a house aint cheap

Council tax. Rent. Water. Gas. Electric. Food
Baby goes through a fortune in nappies, wipes and clothes dont last long

Its great to want to grow up and be independent
And having a baby does rush that
But its not all as its cracked up to be and youll be infinitely more stressed and end back up where you started

play with numbers. Price up what money is coming in and what youll need and what you can afford to go out x
I think initially if your parents are supportive I would stay with them unless you could comfortably afford somewhere to live. Private rent is much higher but if you could afford that with all bills, food and everything for baby then I would do that and get settled. A council house would be difficult to get until baby has arrived anyway - until baby is born you would be bottom of this list in terms of priority. You could register and see how you get on, but I do agree that you are probably better waiting until baby is here and those early weeks have settled. You will need lots of support especially those first 6 weeks.

In the meantime you could save for housing and baby whilst you are both warning to put you in a better financial position. Don't forget you will probably be on maternity leave for around 9 months so committing financially may not be the best idea. You just need to see what your budget can allow x

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