Mommy worrying

Sep 28, 2011
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Hi Ladies,
I am 24 weeks pregnant and I am having some severe stomach and back pain, I went to the hospital for it Saturday.. I have been having the pain since Friday. My doctor said everything looked normal due to blood work and urine testing coming back okay. Later Saturday night I went to the restroom after I was finished I noticed that on the toliet paper it looked as someone had blew their nose on it, as I know they didn't. I wiped again and it looked the same, I called the doctor she said it wasn't a big deal because of my test coming back normal. Tonight I am still in severe pain. My back is killing me my stomach hurts, but not so much. I do have a stabbing pain from my stomach pain down. Does anyone know what this could be? If so please let me know I am worried.. I have been under alot of stress as well..
Thank you
It could be thenstart of a uti Hun if it doesn't go away then go back to see ur doctor. I had the green snot thing turned out I had thrush

Yeah it could be a uti or infection starting, I had kidney stones around 20 weeks, that was very painful. Discharge does increase lots the further on you go though and lots of us on here have had painful streching pains and cramps. If your still in lots of pain now go back, and demand to be seen, hope your feeling better though this morning.
I would say if it doesn't ease, then definitely go back. Hopefully you are feeling a little better today. x
Hi, how're you feeling now?
When you went to the hospital did they check a sample of your urine or check you down below. I had a very similar thing to you last week quite sharp abdominal pain also going round to my back and discharge. Turns out I have gall stones which apparantly are manageable whilst pregnant with a fat free diet but I'll have to have surgery to remove when baby comes. Doesn't harm the baby though thankfully.
But the doctor at the hosp checked everything blood, urine and did like a smear test to make sure everything was ok with my waters. If your still in pain hun I'd go back probs to your gp first and demand they do further testing.

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Later last night I called my Dr and let her know I was still in severe pain, she said that my urine and blood looked fine when I was in there Saturday, There wasn't much more she could do, they did not do a check up on me. Today I am still in some pain but it is bearable. I have an appointment Friday for glucose testing. I am going to ask for a check up. I don't have a gallbladder as it was taken out last year. Hopefully nothing serious.

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