Molly Campbell/ Misbah Rana


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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What do you guys make of this?


She's currently in Pakistan after being taken, willingly, by her father and her sister. Her mom wants her to come home to Scotland, she says she wants to stay in Pakistan.

I really feel for the mother on this one, and on the news today Molly/Misbah is sitting there saying "we have servants here so I don't have to do any work" and "my dad gives me anything I want"
Is that really a good enough reason for her to stay in Pakistan? On the other hand she will probably have a better life over there, she's living in an 8 bedroom house, with her other siblings, while her mom is living in a 2 bed council house in Scotland.

It would be nice if they could share custody of her, but after all the false accusations flying around I doubt the mom and dad will ever se eye to eye on this.
What do you think?
well so long as they stay there and she happy then im not bothered. But i suspect what will happen is that she will be married off to a pakistani and then return to this country with him to live along with the 20 other members of the family. :roll:

its so predictable.
I read an interview with Misbah this morning and she claims that despite vowing to fight for her, the mother has hardly rang her and has a history of alcohol abuse and was neglectful. It must be difficult and confusing for a girl raised muslim ( or any child for that matter) to live in a drinking environment :think:

I guess you never get the true story. However, at 12 she's old enough to know where she's happiest. If access arrangements could be made, maybe there'll be a happy ending?
I think it's strange! Who would choose not to live in Scotland-beautiful weather and all! :rotfl:
If she has willingly left the country and wants to stay with her father then she should rather than be forced back. The pictures of the mother showed her to be distraught, this is going back a few weeks when the story first broke up here in Scotland but if her daughter wasnt kidnapped then why the appeal?
She sounds like she has been brainwashed by her dad. I read in an interview that her dad thinks that women in the UK are sexually promiscuous and that British women are basically slags. So why did he marry Molly's mother if he thought that?

However, I think Molly should be allowed to stay in Pakistan. Obviously when something is new to you, you only see the good things and its all novel and fresh. Perhaps in a few years time Molly will see that the grass isn't all green with her father in Pakistan and that you can't dispense with a mother and that Scotland isn't such a den of iniquity afterall ;).
i think from her point of view as a 12 year old girl, that it will be easier for her to be accepted in a muslim country, rather than as a minority in scotland. Also she has basically just been presented with a cinderella story, from her crappy council flat to a big house with rich relatives and servants! You cant really blame her for wanting to stay can you?
Although i do agree with Dinski ,that if she stays in Pakistan, then she might realises the grass is not greener when she gets a little older and wiser. :roll:
On the news footage she looked like she was loving the 'celebrity' & attention, doesn't have to go to schools & has servants and whatever she wants - but then she's 12 - who wouldn't?!.......however........forcing her to return to her mom when she wants to be in Pakistan with her father - who she seems to adore - and who provides her with the life she is happy in, and an accepting muslim community.........her mom dragging her back to scotland could make her despise her mom for it, and run away etc.

I dunno, leave her where she is happy, I feel that if her mom left her to decide she would return to her mom/ return to a good relationship with her mom in the long run......forcing her to return and tearing her away from her father could backfire drastically?!
This is a bit of a hard one to decide. wheras you naturally feel for the mother, knowing how much it would hurt to have your baby live over the other side of the world, a 12 year old girl also has mind enough to knwo what she wants. Unless we heard the full story of whatever their backgrounds are, it's tough to decide whos side you're on :think:

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