Moaning! - Sorry!


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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Sorry this is a bit of a moany post but here it goes!

Im so stressed at the moment im only 15 weeks away from giving birth and it seems that nothing is ready and now im starting to worry! Ive also got money worries on my brain - although my partner has a well paid job (over £30k a year) he's moaning about my pay going down to £117 a week when im on maternity leave.
I still havent got the pram or babies room ready - :( Im the sort of person who likes everything to be done asap! We are renting at the moment but he has a mortgage on top of that ( he does not want to sell the house ) So technically we are paying for two houses rent/mortgage & bills and living in one! He said he wants to rent the two rooms in his house to lodgers but all the house needs to be renovated and to do that in 15 weeks is impossible i think!
He keeps saying to me that eveything will get sorted but nothing is!
Sorry to rant ladies but had to get that off my chest! :(
Cant you get that house renovated and then live in it hun ??

Sounds like a lot of unecessary hassel to me !!! Otherwise tell him to bugger off and deal with it lol you cant change how much your going to get and it doesnt sound like hes exactly regining his spending if hes doing nothing to help the paying for 2 houses situation !!

Write a list, of absolutely everything you want to do or get bought and then tick things off, least then youll feel like your getting somewhere :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Magic Markers - I wanted to move as the new house is closer to my family. It is his house and he had it before i met him. Couldnt live there as its to far to travel to get to my family and i dont drive. So bit of a bum really!
I just want things to get sorted - everything seems to have been put on hold! :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I like to be organised too so I know where you're coming from.

Try and save as much money as you can whilst you're still working and also make sure that you apply for tax credits as soon as baby is born. Claim anything that you think you're entitled to.

Is his other house empty at the moment or has he got tenants in there?

Does babies room need much doing to it? If it just needs painting that won't take long to do. Buy the paint so that he gets the hint :)

Everything will come together I'm sure of it.
The house is currently empty at the moment yeah - All needs to be decorated and needs a new kitchen fitted, new central heating system - Everything really!!!!
We will only be entitled to Child Tax Credits of £21 a week until the baby is 1 then it will go down to £10.50 a week - because of our income we are not entitled to anything else! But he says hes struggling as his 'outgoings' are too much?!
God what a pain in the arse !!
Its a pity he wont just sell it really, or otherwise at least get someone in there to do the work and get it rented, no point in it being say there doing nothing !!
I dont know what to suggest, what a situation !!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Its a bummer! & he needs to get his arse into gear, thats what i think :wall:
Oh god i sound such a moany cow - im not honest :angel: lol
we sat down when we got to 2nd tri and wrote out a list of our outgoings and how much they were and where we could cut down or even out unnecessary spend. we have also bought things every month since so we are spreading the cost of all the baby stuff before i go down to my crap pay.
do you think he would sit down with you and work out where all his expense is going and where you could spare some here and there for baby?
Im a bit of an organise freak too so know where you are coming from. Only difference is my OH is not on £30k a year! We are going to be too stretched to even move out of my 1 bed house unfortunately! Its all relative though.

I would agree that keeping his property seems like a lot of hassle. Why does he want to keep hold of it so much?

Id also recommend sitting down and working out all the outgoings and see where you can both cut back.

Good luck,

Claire x

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