Moan, moan, moan, moan, moan!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I feel rubbish!
I've had high blood pressure since I was a teenager and so had a pretty close eye kept on me throughout this pregnancy. I went to DAU a couple of weeks ago because my bp was going up and up, they did nothing. Exactly a week later at my MW appointment my bp was still up, I had a headache and protein in my urine so ended up on the maternity ward where they doubled my medication and kept me for just over 24 hours. Since leaving there on friday evening I have felt like crap, I cant do anything, I'm so dizzy and generally feel ill. I feel so bad that I've decided to give up driving, I'm not safe! This means I'm stuck at home on my own unless someone picks me up, I've only been here a couple of days but its knowing that I cant go anywhere even if I want to thats getting me down. Yesterday I went back to the DAU, they cecked my bp etc, all were fine, I asked why I felt so ill and they said that its just my body adjusting to the meds, unless I actually faint or have any other symptoms I should just rest at home. Well I've had a headache that wont go away despite paracetemol since Sunday and I feel like my legs dont belong to me as well as feeling constantly faint, oh yeah and I've had pain in my vaj as well as waking up with cramps the last two nights and I have a rash on my bump that I cant stop scratchng! I know its too early but the sooner I can get this baby out of me and have my body back the better, this pregnant thing doesnt suit me!
Hope your body adjusts to the meds soon and that you start to feel more like yourself :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I dno what to say or suggest hun sounds like an absolute nightmare !! Hopefully these meds will sort themselves out soon, but that bump rash sounds bleeding awful aswell, is it like a side effect or ? Heatrash maybe ?

Anyways hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Oh hun :hug: It's horrible when you don't know what the heck is going on! Lucie (HideiLu) is going through the same with her symptoms which are pretty similar. Maybe she'll have some advice for you...

...Either way, I hope it starts improving for you :hug: xx
I know exactly how you are feeling, I hate the fact I feel sooooo shite all the time and cant be arsed telling people how awful it really is when they ask how I am.

My BP is too low, I am dizzy all the time and have regular blackouts which means I too cant get around by myself. My only sanity is work and Im having to admit defeate and leave that soon too :(

I have just been told its one of those things and hopefully will be better after baby is here (bloody hope so!) My helpful consultant also told me that its the perfect pregnancy to suffer so much as it clearly shows your body knows you are pregnant :roll:

I know how you feel thinking your aren't suited to pregnancy, having DS I had the perfect pregnancy and this one is just horrific in comparison.

Just remember this is only for a short while and some of us know exactly how you are feeling.
Thank you girls, it helps to know I'm not alone, I've got an appointment with my consultant on thursday so hopefully he will make some sense of what is going on! xx

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