mmmmm am i imagining this.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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hey ladies i am 5 days past o/d since then i have had waves of sickness and when i went to the loo i wiped myself and had pinky brown discharge (sorry) could this be it or am i just wishful thinking. i just thought it was too early to be having signs as my period isnt due till aug 10th
sounds like implantation bleeding :pray: everything crossed for you
I agree with babylicous, sounds like a IM bleed. Good luck and fingers crossed.
Huddsgirl, sounds like it could be. I keep thinking I am imagining things. Due on 6th Aug but on 30th Jul had pink discharge and all week had awful stomach cramps and lower back pain. To add to that i've been soo tired today. Wishful thinking or something more...
Good luck with you, hope it turns out to me what you want :hug:

K x
Thx all for your reply.
I know exactly what u mean babyt its like clutching straws at any possible sign.
but with tis spotting, i never spot before af so it is hopefully quite a positive sign.
you will have to let me know what your outcome is.
when are you testing?
Although i'm not due AF unil 6th Aug was going to try Sat morning as was supposed to be going out...obv don't want to hurt any little one. May cancel just in case. Never been happy about feeling sick before but have this evening and been a little as well...been cursing my husband as hes been smiling about it! I'll let you know what happens. Post it when you do yours too, fingers crossed! x

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