MMC - Looking for some advice


Active Member
Oct 8, 2016
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Hi all, looking for some advice!

I had a missed miscarriage in November, had continuous bleeding until 1st Jan. I had a scan which confirmed that mostly everything had gone and what remained was minimal. My partner and I DTD on Sunday as I had not had any bleeding for a week. Bleeding has now returned and I have pain in my lower back and feeling quite shivery.

Does anyone know if this could be my period returning considering I only stopped bleeding just over a week ago? Also starting to worry if I could have a possible infection, or if it is maybe just my hormones that are all over the place making me feel like this.

Thanks in advance!
So sorry to hear about your mmc Mel, I had one in November as well. I didn't experience anything like that so can't offer any first hand advice. Don't think there's any hard and fast rules to post mc bleeding so could it maybe just be a continuation of that? There is a chance it could be af but equally I'd get to see your gp tomorrow to rule out infection. Were you given a pg test to take? Have you taken your temp? x
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Thanks for your reply! Sorry to hear about your loss too :(, hope you are ok! Yeah you are right, everyone's experiences are different so it's hard to figure out what's normal and what I should be concerned about. I feel better today, so hoping it's just af! I haven't taken a pg test but had blood taken about a fortnight ago and my hcg levels were at 6. The nurse said when your not pregnant it's between 0-5 so I should be at that now.
Sorry to read about your loss Mel. How was the bleeding been now? Are you still feeling un well? I would maybe go to your GP just for a little check up after it all. Even if it just puts your mind at rest!

Hope you're as okay as can be xx
Agree with MrsS if ur worried AT ALL about an infection get to the docs. Sometimes just talking to someone who knows what they are talking about can settle your mind.

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