Mixing bottle with breastfeeding question....


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Ok the title suggests otherwise but I am planning on exclusively breastfeeding if i can and i really hope this works ot. However, there is gonna be a day about 5 weeks after baby comes when breastfeeding will be near imposible (my wedding!) I had planned to express but this may end up being very hard and un-realistic as its so early. The perfect solution seems to be the ready made cartons of formula as this would be minimal effort for whoevers watching baby (probably MIL). But would this be ok, it is only for one day-24 hours and then i'd want to breastfeed again (i realise this may be hard but its something i will have to try). Anyone have any experience of this sort of scenario?? Thanks!xx
:wink: If you are exclusively feeding but don't feed the baby for 24 hours you will have wet patches on your wedding dress!

Maybe post in feeding and nutrtion and some of the booby feeding mums might be able to help :hug:
Jade&Evie said:
:wink: If you are exclusively feeding but don't feed the baby for 24 hours you will have wet patches on your wedding dress!

Maybe post in feeding and nutrtion and some of the booby feeding mums might be able to help :hug:

Im gonna take a hand pump to releive myself during the day plus have stocked up on pads!xx
I agree with Jade you will need to express as your breasts will be full.
You should be fine to express by then, although you will have to introduce a bottle earlier as baby might have trouble taking a bottle.
Hey Laura,

I'm not going to soft soap this - I think you might really struggle with this. Its absolutely crucial during those early weeks (baby could only be 3/4 weeks old if you go overdue) that you allow baby to feed on demand in order to build up your milk supply. Not allowing your baby to feed from you (remember baby is much more efficient at stimulating your milk than any breast pump) may have a detrimental effect on your supply and you may struggle to return to exclusive breastfeeding. Of course, you may be fine - but I'd be really tempted to take baby into a quiet room a few times and breastfeed, if you are already planning to express somewhere quiet a few times (and you'll definitely have to do this) then I don't see why this isn't possible.

If baby is just given a bottle for 24 hours then s/he may also struggle with latching back onto the breast. Its much easier for baby to feed from a bottle teat than from a nipple and some babies get 'lazy' at the breast if offered the bottle too frequently.

I understand why you are keen to look at other options, but I'd hate to hear that breastfeeding hadn't worked for you due to this one day 'off'.

Your baby may also struggle with formula (but may love it!) - do you know which one you will choose and how will you decide on one brand beforehand?

I'm really sorry if that's not what you want to hear and ultimately I know you'll do what works best for you all as a family, but I would be really worried about planning this at such an early stage of breastfeeding.

Good luck

Valentine Xxx
one other thing to bear in mind...babies can also want to be held by their mother constantly and be at the boob a lot during the early weeks. I have to carry Logan in a sling at the moment as unless he's in a deep sleep he wakes up and cries for me to pick him up and put him to the breast. He wont even settle with OH a lot of the time.

There's no way I could even go to a wedding at the moment without wearing Logan in a sling.

Of course you might have a baby who sleeps a lot and is happy for anyone to hold him or her. My oldest was like that. I hope your babys the same as it could be difficult else.

I hope i dont sound too negative, lots of babys would be fine with MIL all day, just preparing you for what could happen.

good luck hun, i hope you have a lovely day :hug: :hug:

Thanks everyone, this has really been stressing me out! The wedding has all been bookekd and paid for so cant change it now!!! If the baby is 2 weeks late they will only be 3 weeks old which is what im preparing myself for so I dont get too much of a shock, I just pray he's early to make it a bit easier. I know it will be hard but gonna have to make it work!

Anyway Ive been thinking about this again today and I've made a plan of the day and Ive worked out exactly what times I can fit in a breast feed during the day and it works out I could get one in at least every 4 hours. Would this work or is it impossible for me to dictate what times he should feed even if he does still get enough?? We are having the entire ceremony at a venue that has everything on site and we are staying there in a special room so have this to use.

This is my plan...................

9-10am: free to feed
10am *hair and make up artist arrive to start work*
1pm: last feed before MIL picks him up
2.30pm *ceremony 2.30pm folowed by photos*
4.30-5pm: feed in our room
5.50pm *evening meal*
7.30-8:30pm: spend an hour in room before evening guests arrive-free to feed
8.30pm *evening party*
Obviously free to feed now once party over as will have baby in our room overnight (romantic hey!!)

Is this any way possible?? Im going out my mind, the simple solution is to not breastfeed at all then theres no issue but i want to do it!xx
d'you know what hon, i'd wait til you have your baby til you start worrying about this. its all gonna seem soooo different then anyway.

your wedding day will be perfect, and even if your LO doesn't want to fit into a timetable, i promise you it won't matter.

bf-ing is the most wonderful thing (bloody difficult at first too, but worth it) and it would be a shame to get yourself worked up now about problems that might not exist in the future?

i'd really try not to think about it yet - when you're trying to establish feeding in those first few days, worrying about your wedding day might make you less inclined to persevere if you find it hard - and that would be such a shame cos its the most rewarding & wonderful thing when it all comes right.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
midna said:
Thing is with bf they tend to be leeches for the first 6 weeks ..its not a case of feeding then putting them down for say even 2 hours sometimes ..it will depend highly on your baby ...my LO spent 16 outta 24 hours on my boobs for the first 8 weeks xx

I agree with Mid. :oops: I only managed 9 days boob feeding because I was so shattered about having her on me ALL DAY and was in so much pain with it that in the end I couldn't cope with it and we made the (very hard) decision to switch E onto formula.

If you can get through the first 2 months you are ok- are you sure you couldn't postpone the wedding a few weeks? You'll find that someone who is booked into your venue a few weeks after you may want to move their wedding forward so you could swap dates perhaps?

Also, having had a baby 3 weeks ago I would say you might not feel tip top! I had a straightforward labour- but I still don't feel like 'me' again. I wouldn't want to have a load of photos taken at the moment.. let alone wedding pics! :talkhand: :rotfl:

I have literally had a mini breakdown today sat here worrying myself sick about this, Ive been in tears on the phone to my OH saying i cant cope. So I rang the wedding venue and basically told them that ts rally gonna be too close and they've agreed to let me change it to the 23rd October which is a whole 9 weeks after due date (luxury!) so even at worst if he's late its still gonna be at least 7weeks. Ive called the registrar and they can also do new date, just gotta put it all in writing to them all and tell the guests but they must understand. I feel AWAFUL that im messing everyone around and have just been crying about it, its just we had that date set in our minds for so long and now i have to tell everyone its changed i feel so stupid. But i really wanna enjoy my new baby and with the manicness of a wedding 3 weeks later that would be impossible. I can now give birth and relax for at least a month before the worrying starts and by them i should have my own routine and know more about how he wans to feed, etc. Thanks so much for your replies i think it was hearing someone else say how hard its gonna be that made me breakdown and finally get the courage to change it otherwise i may of carried on and it could have all gone very wrong. Just need to get my head around this now! My mai worry is that i think of october as a wet miserable month so i pray we still get some sun for the photos but at least thats all i have to worry about now! From a very emotional Laura!xxxxxxxxxxx
:hug: You'll feel so much better for it hun

:wink: when that baby gets here though you won't care about anything but looking after him! :lol:
im glad you've managed to change the date. i really think you've done the right thing :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

my little boy will be 4 weeks tomorrow and TBH I really dont feel up to attending a wedding as a guest at the moment, let alone go to my own! i feel tired and look like shite! :lol:

you will feel so much better in yourself from 7 weeks and you'll be in more of a routine with the baby, my little boy goes 2 at most during the day between feeds at the moment
Thanks everyone :hug: I really feel so much better for it now I've come round to the change! Having 9 weeks will be such a luxury and even if he's 2 weeks late 7 weeks is still managable and I'll still have established a routine. I feel like a weights been lifted and now I can look forward to meeting the baby without the wedding over shadowing it. And hopefully I can concentrate on BF now rathing than worrying about expressing straight away, etc. I can actually be excited about the birth again now not worried if he goes over!xx
midna said:
Good effort hun you got all the time to get married but your baby will only be a baby once and you will need as much time as possible with him to establish a good supply...Oh and dont expect to much of yourself in the way of routine its unlikely to happen so soon :lol: ..however you might get lucky :wink:

Yeah exactly i wanna concentrate on him in the first few weeks not the wedding. And at least my milk supply will be established by then, im actually excited about the wedding, etc now not dreading it! xx
i exclusively BF for 6 months then i carried on for another 2 months while mixing her diet with solids and formula. well, when i was exclusively BF i couldnt go longer than 6 hours without my boobs becoming engorged, and with engored boobs u wont be able to enjoy urself hun sorry its rotten havin engorged boobs! i think thats a good plan, from how i understood it ur gonna BF every little opportunity? good luck hope it goes well :hug:
Aw Laura, that's a fantastic decision. I'm really pleased.

What an exciting year you are having!

Valentine Xxx
Thanks valentine, I know this year will be the best!! Now I can enjoy both things seperately instead of having them all thrown into the same month! Ive been choosing wedding songs today I am now officially excited again!xx :cheer:
I know nothing about breast feeding but I wouldn't worry about the weather in october, my parents, my in-laws and my best friend all got married in october and all had sunny day's (not that I was around for the parents and in-laws weddings :D )

All the marriages are still together and happy so I think October is a lucky month

Good luck with the birth and the wedding plans :)
mrs_metal said:
I know nothing about breast feeding but I wouldn't worry about the weather in october, my parents, my in-laws and my best friend all got married in october and all had sunny day's (not that I was around for the parents and in-laws weddings :D )

All the marriages are still together and happy so I think October is a lucky month

Good luck with the birth and the wedding plans :)

Ah thanks thats good to hear! I dont even care if its cold I just want sun for the photos but im not gonna worry about it too much im just grateful for the extra time! Now we have baby coming in August, my birthday in Sept, wedding in Oct, OH birthay in Nov and 1st xmas in Dec so something goin on every month which worked out quite well!!xx
I got married in an October and it was a lovely dry day :)

You've definately made the right decision and like you say it gives you something to look forward to each month :cheer:

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to establish a routine, it's really unlikely to happen by 7 weeks. Just let babe lead the way and you'll both be happier :)

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