mixed feeding??!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
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ok callum is a fatty!!!! yesterday he took a 45 min feed of me then was screaming for more so i made him up a bottle(i was empty lol) and he took 4 oz, how much do your babies at this age take as a formula feed??? i want to get him in the pattern of feeding every 3-4 hrs instead of every 1-2!!!!
callums at the typical age of a growth spurt. H is probably feeding from you for so long so as to increase your milk production.
If you want to continue soley breastfeeding i wouldn't introduce formula. I would ju st allow him to feed from you when ever and for how ever long he wants.
yeah my hv told me 2 take it easy to let my milk come in :roll: yeah cos i have the time 2 sit and relax :doh: oh i dunno wpt 2 do, i do wanna breastfeed, but i am so tired he is feeding so much :(
yeah its tiring. can you maybe lay down while you're feeding him. Are you drinking plenty? Eating well.
don't try and do too much. I know how hard it is when you have a toddler though :doh:

you do what you think is right - if you want to introduce a bottle then maybe ask you HV for advice. I have no experience in mixed feeding im afraid so im useless to you. :hug: :hug: don't worry yourself out about it.
yeah am eating and drinking like im still preg :lol: ah well ill lose weight one day lol, i feel so useless that i cant make the food hes needing :( how long did you breastfeed your tiddlies for? i managed chloe until she was 9 month(i was 4 month preg by this time)
You have done so well to get this far with having a toddler as well. Im no bf expert but if he is feeding that frequently and you stop it might get you producing less milk. Im bottlefeeding and have just found a workable routine 7 weeks into his life but i dont tknow that this would work for a breastfeeder. I will link to the post rather than type it out, im too slow.

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... ht=#220176
i fed all ine till they were about a year old. Except my first becasue i became preggas again soon after i had her. I stopped when she was about 6 months old.

You will be making enough milk for him. Persevere for a weeks or so while your milk production adjusts to him and im sure you'llget back int oa good routine. Its hard for the first 6 weeks i reckon. Then it all fall into place and its great. :hug: :hug:
i hope so!!! dont think i cud afford to bottle feed!!!!! on top of 2 sets o nappies millions of wipes....
Budge, do you think the fenugreek would help in this case or is it too early or not a case of low supply?
Yvanne said:
i hope so!!! dont think i cud afford to bottle feed!!!!! on top of 2 sets o nappies millions of wipes....

i know what you mean yvanne. thats one of the reasons i breast feed! its FREE!!!!!!

whats fenugreek laura? Ive never heard of it :think:
yeah it definately is an advantage, plus wen its 4am and LO is screamin all u need 2 do is lie there and whip it out!!!! lol!!!!
Fenugreek is something that naturally boosts your supply, worth a go. If you just get through this stage til he's about 8-10 weeks your supply will settle. What he's doing is totally natural, by introducing formula you will delay your milk settling at what he needs so he'll never seem full. That's what happened with Ella and it took til week 10 for my supply to settle to her needs. A young breastfed baby wont go 3-4 hourly between feeds as breastmilk is so easily digested and there tummies are so small. You'll get there Yvanne, just a few more weeks to go and you'll be fine hon :hug:
yeah you will yvanne! give it another two maybe three weeks and you'll be like norhtern dairys chick! :hug: :hug: :hug:

kina would you mind pm 'ing me the info about the fenucreet orwhatever it is. ive never heard of the stuff. Do you get it from the doctors or something? Pm it coz i don't want to hyjack yvannes post. Thanks :hug:
I agree with budge, this sounds like normal growth spurt behaviour. If you intorduce a bottle then I think it will beciome a vicious cycle, each bottle means less stimulation of the breast and less milk, therefore you will need to introduce another bottle etc. I mixed fed Seren for the first 2 months and it was a nightmare getting her onto exclusive breastfeeding as my milk supply had been affected. If you do want to give a bottle I would advise feeding Callum at the breast, then give the bottle afterwards if you need to. Callum will soon fall into a routine of his own. I know you want to get him feeding every 3 hours which he will do soon, demand feeding is really the best way to go when breastfeeding. Every baby is different, Seren was a frequent feeder and it took until she was 4 months old before she was going a good while between feeds. Tjhere are some good links on kellymom.com, just click on the blue word. It is a great resource for breastfeeding. You are doing great, the early days are the toughest but it gets so easy, I am so glad I kept at it, no sterilising or remembering bottles etc. Plus its free which is great :D

Budge, I know you don't want to hijack the post but I wanted to post this here for info in case Yvanne wanted to know more. Feenugreek is a type of galactagogue(try saying that over and over) and is something that increases your milk supply. Oatmeal is another so porridge is a great snack for breastfeeding mums.

Here is a link about galactagogues.
Cheers Beanie :)

Budge you can get fenugreek capsules from Holland & Barrett, Beanies link should explain all about it :)
oh thankyou. i reckon ill getsome this time around because those bloody growth spurts are so frustrating.

yvanne home you get on ok chick. Keep with it and remeber the housework will wait. Rest eat and drink plenty. :hug:
oh thankyou. i reckon ill getsome this time around because those bloody growth spurts are so frustrating.
I'm not relishing the idea of going through it all again, at least I know it's normal this time. Last time I thought a was a milkless freak and thought the HV was right when they said to top up :shakehead:
breastfeeding is one thing im looking forward to. although its bloody hard work. But i remember looking at my eldest daughter when she was about 4 months oldand just starting to want some solids and thinking i did all that. I grew you in my tummy gave birth to her and fed you with my own milk right up to this point!

I was so proud of myself. Its a very satifying thing to do.
I'm looking forward to the feeding, just not the growth spurts :shock: :lol: With Ella it was such a learning curve I just didn't enjoy the first few months, hopefully this time will be a lot different.

I still enjoy feeding Ella and am sad my milk supply has really dropped :cry:

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