Missy feels like shes going to just fall out!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The pressure im getting from missy is really uncomfortable, a couple of times today, ive had the feeling that she is just going to fall out, is anyone else feeling like this? x x

not me..yet! just realised you are 35 weeks and i'm so excited for you xx
hi,iv had this a few times over last couple of weeks,its a really strange feeling isnt it,stops u in your tracks.it littrally feels like any small movement and their just gonna pop out xx
Thanks Pos :) Its starting to drag now :(

It is a strange feeling Ang, cant remember it feeling like this with little man.

:lol: Jayne, if only :) x x

i dont remember it happening with my other 4 either,i wonder if its maybe the head engaging? coz with my others the head never engaged untill i was actually in labour xx
M2A I was just wondering how you were getting on! Not long now Hun xx
Missy's head is already engaged well 4/5th anyway, maybe she has made the last 1/5th. Adams was engaged since 26weeks so his head wouldnt of been as big as Missy's when he made his way in the right direction x x

oh M2A I really know how your feeling


I've been the same for a while, I can even feel baby's head when I sit down on a hard surfaces, like a bench or whatever. Do you get that? Also can feel head in my pelvis when on my ball.

I feel like this too and baby's not even engaged yet since my naughty baby has it's head buried deep into my hip! It feels like pressure in my bum, so duno why I'm feeling like this!
yep mine is engaging and sometimes it feels like a hand might pop out! like in a superman pose!

I think mine is ready to come out!
I get that pressure too, especially when I am sitting down or trying to get up from a sitting position. Not long to go now and it will all be worth it :). Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy :).
Just realized I get the joy of all your labour watches and birth stories before I have mine :cheer:
Hope she makes things more comfortable for u soon babe xxx
i havent had this but i have noticed when i standstill i hold my bump up asif i think its gonna drop hehehehheheh xxxx

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