Missing: 1 AF


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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I was due on the 22nd (according to FF) or the day after according to another ticker.

But I'm still waiting!

At the beginning of the month it was really hard to temp because I had a lot of restless sleep so on FF I've got lots of open circles (I think I had a cold as well which put my temp up). I missed a couple of days and because of that I'm not sure if/when I Ov'd this month. FF doesn't think I have at all. I think it was around CD18 because I had random brown spotting on and off for three/four days. I've never had that before.

I did a test on Monday (two days before AF was due) and got nothing, which didn't surprise me because we weren't really trying. AF didn't show on Wednesday but I had a few crampy feelings so I was expecting it on Thursday morning (normally it comes in the night). Still nothing by this morning so I did another test. BFN again. I've had a few twinges but they don't feel like cramp, more like Ov pains (which I also got around CD18).

My average cycle length is 29 days, the past few have been 28, 30 and bang on 29. I'm now on CD33. I've never been on the pill and I'm normally really regular.

I keep on getting this crampy feeling and feeling like it's coming, but there's nothing. (TMI warning) I am quite wet though. It's like EWCM although we've been BDing every day because that normally brings me on so I don't know if I'm seeing other stuff and thinking it's EWCM but it's every time I wipe - I've not done any CM or CP exams on myself this time (because we're not trying).

I've got that sort of bloaty/pulling feeling down there which normally means its time for AF but it feels different somehow. I'm not sure how much I'm reading into things that aren't there but it's odd. It's more on the left hand side than all over.

I'm not going to do another test for a few days because I'm sure it didn't happen this month, but this wait is bugging me.

Just feel like having a little moan ladies. :)
I am in the same boat have a swollen and hard tummy and had cramps for last 5 days - not really trying but not preventing either - got sore BBs and nipples but did a test earlier and it was a BFN - no idea if I am reading into things LOL Hope you get your answer soon - fingers crossed for you :)
I'm in exactly the same position!Was due on 22nd and nothing!Am sure witch is on her way though.Tested this morn and a def bfn.Has any1 else had this and later on got a bfp?Fed up now.Wish she would just come!
am same as well thing am day or 2 late now. feel so horrid very sleepy and waves of sickness and my boobs have felt sore but still geting bfn. grrrrrrrrr its so horrid not knowing whats going on x
I'm so glad that I'm not alone. :) It's so annoying isn't it.

I wouldn't mind if AF showed up now, I'm just confused what's going on. And I can't even symptom spot properly because I've not got any!
Think I'll test again if witch doesn't make an appearance.Feel so dizzy and horrible.
Have you tested yet peachypam?

I'm thinking about doing it tomorrow just in case. It's my birthday the day after, that would make a fantastic present.
Good luck to you three KizzieBea Peachy Pam and Hayels XX
I just did a test and I thought there was a line but now I'm not so sure. I think I'm just seeing it because I want it to be there.

Normally doing a test brings AF along so that might do the trick, I've been stalking the test gallery seeing if there are any that look like mine, ha ha.

Should be able to get some more tests on Friday so if there's still no sign, I'll try again then.
Just fished it out the bin XD Can't see anything at all now and I deleted the pictures I took off my camera because they didn't seem to be coming out at all either. I think I was just seeing things. :(
Oh Hun hopefully af stays away for you :) I did two tests that were neg and they were first response, then a week later I got my bfp on an eBay cheapie, then a digi!!! Fx :)
am still waiting af hasnt arrived and i can defo see a faint line on a test i did today will try put a pic of it on its very faint and thin but its defo there and its pink x
Ooh, that sounds promising Hayels. Fingers crossed you get another one.
KizzieBea + Peachy Pamhow how u going today have u tested agian xxxx

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