Missed out on labour?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2012
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Hi ladies, I had an epidural when giving birth 1st time around. I am wondering if any of you ladies felt you missed out on aspects of the labour due to complete lack of feeling?

Have any of you done without pain relief once and epidurlal once? If so, which did you prefare?

I am due round about dec and really feel like I want to 'feel' this one coming out. Any advice/stories would be great!

Thanks ladies x
Can't offer advice but would b interested in responses too as i had an epidural and if i have another LO ur question is one ive pondered myself! Xx
hey hun

i had an epidural first time around too!! and felt like id lost all control over everything as i never felt a thing as i progressed although i never got to push baby out as i needed an emergency section at 9cm as baby was distressed :shakehead: so was good job id had it to be fair!!

2nd time around i never wanted it, as i wanted to remain in control baby was back to back and i started on gas and air as i refused all other types of pain releif when i went it and i must admit i got tempted coz it was bloody painful but managed to get to 9 before id even asked by this time it was too late anyway!! so when baby was born i was in compete shock that i had managed to give birth without all the pain relief and it was truly amazing as i felt in control all the way through

my intentions are the same this time to try and get through without any pain relief especially the epi :) xx
Well done u! Sounds like u did amazing! Was it quicker second time round? X
Hi girls, lydsey it sounded like you done really well! And if you are planning on doing it again it must have been a good experience for you. x
I had a horrible delivery. Started off well and i was planning on only using gas and air but (to cut a long story short) i ended up having to have an epidural and ultimately an emergency c-section. It wasn't the labour i'd hoped for at all and i think it affected my feelings towards baby a bit. Obviously i still loved him to bits but because the birth was so traumatic and stressful it kind of didn't feel like he was mine for a few days. After he was delivered i didn't get to see him for about 10 minutes and my OH wasn't with me in theatre so he didn't get to see him straight away either. I didn't really believe these stories about natural births giving you a greater connection with your baby beforehand, but i can definitely see the logic behind it now i've been there myself xx
Well done u! Sounds like u did amazing! Was it quicker second time round? X

hi hun

2nd time around was much quicker, had my first twinge around a 11pm although didnt really know it was the start lol got out of bed at 1;30am to do water bottle as back was really painful, woke OH just after 3 by the time MIL came to watch our son and we go to hosp it was 4am but was only 2-3cm so turned down all pain relief by 5am i was 9cm but waters hadnt gone, they were broke at 5;20 and i was 10cm and baby was born at 5;46 am so yep it was fairly quick and cant wait to do it all again lol :) Good Luck to You xxx
Hi girls, lydsey it sounded like you done really well! And if you are planning on doing it again it must have been a good experience for you. x

it was the best experience of my life i just wish i could have had same experience first time around, but that was'nt to be!! but life to short to dwell on the past i just hope i get the same positive experience this time around too and cant wait :) xxx
I had a horrible delivery. Started off well and i was planning on only using gas and air but (to cut a long story short) i ended up having to have an epidural and ultimately an emergency c-section. It wasn't the labour i'd hoped for at all and i think it affected my feelings towards baby a bit. Obviously i still loved him to bits but because the birth was so traumatic and stressful it kind of didn't feel like he was mine for a few days. After he was delivered i didn't get to see him for about 10 minutes and my OH wasn't with me in theatre so he didn't get to see him straight away either. I didn't really believe these stories about natural births giving you a greater connection with your baby beforehand, but i can definitely see the logic behind it now i've been there myself xx

hey hun

i know how you feel, but i felt an instant connection with my LO think it was because i cried all the way down to theatre as i thought i was gonna lose him as was even more scared when the monitor was taken off so they could deliver him, but my OH was allowed in and he was given baby straight away and i just burst in to tears when i saw him i was that overwhelmed :) but was really traumatised after i couldnt even talk about his birth without crying i was emotionally traumatised and i think thats why i had a 6 year gap between the first 2 as i couldnt put myself through it again and when i did i worried all the way through but i had much better experience which made it all worth it :) its hard to deal with at first but you get through it ad im sure if you do it again, it will be a lot smoother :hugs:xxxx
Thanks Lyndsey. It was a horrific experience but i won't let it put me off having more children when the time is right. At the end of the day, anything can happen in labour and unfortunately mine just went wrong. That's not to say it would happen again though. I feel myself bonding with Jack more and more each day, i just didn't feel that initial rush of love that everyone talks about, probably because i was so drugged up and in shock! It just wasn't the labour i'd hoped for but i'm trying to move on from the gory bits and just enjoy my baby now :) xx

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