Missed miscarriage


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2016
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This is my first time posting anything.

I found out I was pregnant with my first and was over the moon. I had some spotting at around 7 weeks and after a few scans a missed miscarriage was confirmed. I'm 10 weeks 2 days now and waiting to see how the miscarriage will be managed at the hospital. The sac is measuring about 4 weeks behind but my body isn't doing the job by itself.

I am hopeful that a D&C won't be necessary. I've been feeling heartbroken and am hopeful that I can get back to TTC again.

Has anyone been through this? When did you start TTC again?

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance :oooo:
Hi Elsa,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. my very first pregnancy was one and that was almost 20years ago. unfortunately i had to have a d&c done, even now 3 children later I still feel the heartbreak you just never forget but you go on. I had a healthy beautiful little girl after that 2 years later. I hope you the best and hopefully it won't be too long before you can start ttc again.
Thank you for sharing your experience with me - it's good to hear that people have gone to have happy and healthy pregnancies and outcomes.

Thank you for your kind wishes too!
I've not had a d&c but I've lost 3 all passes within days tho, so I have no advice for you on that sorry.
I'm sorry for your loss, personally I feel like the first was the worst, you have your hopes up so high and don't even expect this to happen then bam, it's all taken away just like that.
If you need a d&c they'll probably tell you to wait for 1-3 cycles after. But I tried again within a month, completely up to you hun. I hope you heal quick. Take care of yourself x
Hi. I had the same thing this year. I went for my 12 week scan and they said it was a missed miscarriage. I had no idea so it came as a shock. No spotting or anything. I had to have a d and c and it was booked in for just over a week later, so I had all that time walking around with the terrible news. It was pretty heartbreaking the whole experience and i'm not sure you ever forget the intensity of the emotion that comes with it. But it does get easier. My operation was on the 17th may, and we started ttc again late June. I would say wait a month and to be honest I didn't want to go near my oh in that way for about a month after anyway as I needed time to heal physically and emotionally. I feel relatively ok now, as long as I keep myself busy and try not to dwell on it too much.

Sorry for your loss. Good luck for the future xx
Thank you both for taking the time to reply to me - I'm sorry you have had to go through this heartbreak as well.

I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to get to the 12 week scan and have such devastating news. I have everything crossed for you that you have a BFP soon. Keeping yourself busy is the best thing to do I am sure and I hope you have good news soon!

I had a missed miscarriage 4 weeks ago and I'm still bleeding I have the tablets to take I was 12 weeks but baby heartbeat had stopped at 8 1/2 weeks had a lot of scans and still have something inside kind of wishing I had the d and c so I wouldn't have to carry on with all this bleeding .....so sorry for your loss xxxx
I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's so awful having scan after scan. Did you get given a choice of which way you wanted to go with the tablets / d and c?

Sorry for your loss V1ck1. If you ever want to chat you know where to find me! XXXX
Yer I wanted the tablets as didn't like the thought of it like that I was glad I had the tablets as I passed the baby and got to see him or her sounds weird but it's amazing and helped me to know that I have lost the baby but the d and c would have cleared everything you to Hun it's nice to talk to everyone who has been through the same thing xxx
It is a real comfort talking to others who know how you are feeling and who are going through or who've gone through the same.

I'm sort of spotting/bleeding so I am hopeful that this will happen naturally but otherwise I would choose tablets I think because it's less invasive. I'm glad for you that you got to see your baby and that this helped you. It's so hard now it's difficult to believe it gets easier, but it will, and we will get there.


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