Missed miscarriage :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2013
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Found out on Friday that I had suffered a missed miscarriage at 9+3. Baby hadn't developed past 5 weeks. We'd had a private scan last weekend that suggested I'd had a missed miscarriage but after brown spotting and bleeding on wiping all week, it was confirmed that the pregnancy wasn't progressing at another scan done by the NHS.

Within an hour of leaving the hospital and getting home, I started bleeding and passing clots and tissue. I must've sat on the toilet for nearly an hour and a half in total during the afternoon and evening letting it do its thing. Its probably the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced.

We were expecting bad news when we went into the scan on Friday, we knew that things weren't quite right at the scan, but had a tiny glimmer of hope that the baby had maybe grown. When we were told, I cried for a few minutes but picked myself up and carried on. It wasn't until yesterday evening that it hit me. I sobbed for about 20 minutes solid. What also hurts is that I feel totally alone. Only one person text to ask how I was yesterday. My best friend sent me a picture of her new car she'd just bought but didn't ask how I was. And that hurts. I don't expect people to be thinking of me all the time and life goes on but it just upsets me that she took the time to send me a picture of her car, forgetting what I'm going through. I know I'm probably totally overreacting and being irrational but my emotions are so up and down right now and I feel angry for feeling like I do. I feel like shutting myself away and ignoring everyone.

Perhaps its because people don't know what to say or just assume that I want to be left alone, but I feel a simple 'thinking of you' or 'hope you're okay' doesn't take long to send. I don't mind talking about what's happened, as it helps me get it out of my system but I cant talk to myself. Another friend of mine went through a mmc last year, but nothing from her either. In fact, when I told her I was pregnant but was probably going to miscarry, she said she felt hurt that I hadn't told her I was pregnant. We were closer when she was pregnant and miscarried but she chose to distance herself from me over the past 3-4 months so it was hard to tell her about my news because she would barely talk to me. Then she gets upset that I didn't tell her! Can't win.

I hate feeling like this, I don't want to feel alone but I do. OH can only hear me say the same things over and over again. He's quiet by nature and is more likely to give me a hug and listen than say anything. Its hard for me to get my feelings out, as my sisters, brother and I were brought up not to talk about things like that. If we cried, my Dad would tell us to stop being so silly. So crying in front of people or showing emotions is hard for us to do.

Please tell me that all these feelings are totally normal?? xxx
Hey you're not alone sweetheart *hugs*

Everything you're feeling is absolutely normal, give yourself time, it hits in waves with emotions and the slightest thing may start you blubbing - but it's ok, cry/scream/shout if you need too.

You know where I am. . . . and I mean it x
I no how u feel Hun big hugs just take time and don't be too hard on yourself thinking if you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Im really sorry for your loss! Everything that you are feeling is nirmal. You have to take time to grieve! Take care! Xxx
It's a hard thing to go through and everything your feeling is normal

We are all here for you and I agree your friend shouldn't have been so self indulged however she probably doesn't understand like we do

Chin up- you never forgot but it does get easier as time goes on

Thanks all for reading

This isn't the first time I've gone through the grieving process - I lost my mum 9 years ago very suddenly but at the time, me, my sisters, brother, grandparents were all grieving. This time it's just me and OH. He says he's sad but doesn't show it and that it's frustrating that we can't control or prevent it from happening again.

I got texts from people when I told them saying 'I'm here if you want to talk' but they don't understand what it's like as they've not been through it or lost anyone close to them so it's hard to take them up on that offer. It's nice to have these forums to talk to people who know what it's like, as I feel like I'm burdening my friends with my problems. My friend has asked me why I like talking to people on the net and finds it strange I have added them on Facebook when we've never met, but by talking to people who have either gone or going through the same as me, it helps me to get things out because they understand.

I know it's all still very early days and it will take time. If I'm honest, if I knew that everything had passed by now, I probably would've gone back to work on Tuesday as tomorrow is my last day of self certified sickness. But because I don't know if I have passed everything, I feel it's best for me to stay off work until I know for definite at the scan on Friday. If I have by then, I'll go back to work as soon as I can. I just want to get back into routine as it will be harder the longer I leave it xx
I'm sorry your going through this, I know exactly how you feel - I also lost my dad 14 years ago which was very sudden and the worst day of my life, but as you said my whole family were grieving with me, I am totally alone this time as only one person even knew I was pregnant,

I don't think some people know what to say or do, especially if its something they haven't experienced, you tend to find you are trying to make it easier for them! I agree thank god for these forums, I have made friends from other forums, and actually met up with people which was lovely, but yes sometimes my 'real life' friends do think this is strange - whatever!

Do people at your work know? I'm glad nobody at work knows, I don't think I could have coped with the sympathy or stares or the general uncomfortable feeling. I'm back tomorrow, don't want to but I know its probably the best thing.
Yeah people at work know. I told my boss I was pregnant not long after I found out so when I found out I'd lost the baby, I asked her to let the people in my team know as I'd rushed out of work quite swiftly a few days prior. What annoyed me a little is that I told a few people personally who weren't in on Friday what had happened as I wanted it to be from me as opposed to office gossip. A couple of them text back saying that they thought that was why I rushed off so quickly. Now tell me if I'm overreacting (something I feel I'm doing a lot of lately) but b*llocks did they know that was the reason! One of them didn't even know we were trying! So how would they come to that conclusion?! :mad:

Just been to the doctors as still getting pains. Been told to take solpadine and signed off for a week.

Stace - could you not ask to be signed off?xx
So sorry for your loss Hun, thinking of you, take care of yourself xx
I'm so sorry to hear this, hun. It's so hard. I have found some days are better than others. Some people 'guessed' at work, but tbh, they have been lovely to me since I have been back and really supportive. I am just taking it one day at a time. We have had so much bad news recently one way or another, so all together it has been a hard four or so weeks. I just have to believe it will get better for all of us.

I have felt very alone too. My DH is wonderful but he admits he isn't very good at this sort of thing and thinks we should move on, so I understand how you feel x x x x
So sorry for your loss, take time and be kind to yourself Hun. Xx

In regards to feeling alone.... I have never felt more alone in my life, two of my older friends have been through this. Hubby is lovely but isn't brilliant with emotions. Xx

Its such a horrible feeling :( OH doesn't know what to say (not that he does usually anyway, hes a quiet person). Its true when they say that you know who your true friends are when you're going through a tough time. Its certainly made me re-think about who I want to remain close friends with xx

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