missed miscarriage in april now ectopic.


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Apr 14, 2014
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Hi ladies, i have 2 children and 5 months ago i had a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks. My lmp was 26th September, i have a 25 day cycle. Unfortunately on 6 days after i found out i was pregnant i started spotting, i went to my gp who said just monitor it. The nxt day the spotting became bright red and only there when i wipe. I spoke to the epu who said this is quite normal and to go in the following week for a scan. Nxt morning when i woke there was some bright red blood in my pants. ( sorry tmi) put on a pad and went to the hospital. 7 hours l8tr there is still no blood on my pad but there is on wiping. The doctor who i saw said it was a miscarriage. She did a pregnancy test and said it was negative. To go home and c my gp. After seeing him i stressed that there was something wrong as i have had 2 miscarriages in such a short space of time. He said maybe i was too old. Im 31. He said just wait for the scan on thursday for confirmation. Im so upset and annoyed. Not getting any answers and not knowing if ive lost my baby or not. The nxt day i went bk to a+e cos of the bleeding, they did another test there where it was negative so again the doc said id had a miscarriage. He then referred me to epu where i first had a urine test done. It came bk positive. Then i had an internal done. The doctor there said that the neck of the womb is closed, so she sais she thinks im having a threatened miscarriage. My hcg levels were 30 which i think is low but she said its fine. Had to go bk 48hrs l8tr to see if they have doubled. I wasnt building my hopes up. Didn't know what to think anymore.
Did another pt got another bfp. Went bk to the hospital they have dropped by 2 they are now 24. They cant understand why they are dropping so slowly. Had a scan everything there looks normal but there is no sign of any pregnancy. They said it could be too early too see anything but bloods show a failing pregnancy. had to go bk in another week for more blood tests. Sooo confused. When i went back the results had gone up to 31 even more stressing. 4 days later i went to epu with bad pains where i was admitted my hcg level is now 23. They did another scan both abdominal and transvaginal they saw nothing but noticed fluid behind my womb. They said the pregnancy was in an unknown location. (Ectopic). As they couldn't see any thing on the scan they wanted to do a laparoscopy. From 2am that morning i was nbm. Prepped and ready for theatre when they came to me at 1130 and told me they weren't doing it. They wanted to repeat my bloods the nxt day. They said if they werent below 10 they would give me the methotrexate injections to remove the pregnancy. Bloods come bk it was 20. They then said we want you to go home and manage it conservatively with painkillers so basically let it come away naturally. I was in agony they were giving me paracetamol, codeine and ibuprofen, and morphine for the pain. So they sent me home yesterday with painkillers. Got up this morning feeling dizzy, being sick. Bad pains. So off i go bk.to epu. They put a canula
In when i got there had another scan still the same as the
Last one. They then decided that I was going to have the methotrexate as things had gone on for too long. Got me ready did paperwork went to speak to another consultant then come bk and said were not doing it. U need to go home and let it come away naturally. My levels were 19 today. Got to go bk next week for more blood tests. If they stay the same or go back up i have to have methtroxate. Im at the absolute end of my . tether. Has anyone else had a similar experience? ?
Oh im so sorry to be reading this. I havent had any experience of what youre going through but didnt want to read and run.

What i will say though is that if i was in your situation i would seriously be asking for another dr or another hospital even. They shouldnt be messing you around like that at such a sensitive time.

Thinking of you x
Hi, firstly I am so sorry to hear what you're going through.

My story is a little similar. I was 5+4 when I started getting a few stabbing pains in my lower tummy. I assumed it was a stretching pain due to baby. The next day I had very light brown discharge too. I got an appt with my Dr that afternoon and she was concerned it could be ectopic. She then rang the epu and got us an appt for a scan for the next day.

We arrived for the internal scan, I was still having brown discharge - but only when I wiped. When she started scanning she told me that I had a huge fibroid which meant she couldn't see passed it to see if baby was where it should be. I then had to have bloods taken to confirm it was a viable pregnancy. We then left but was told to ring immediately if I felt any pain.

That afternoon they rang with my results and I was told to come back in 48hrs for more. We had the bloods done again and got the results that evening. They had risen well but not enough for the Dr to be happy.

We had to go back in again 48 hrs later for another scan as they said they should be able to see it now at 6 weeks. Anyway, she still couldn't see anything on the scan due to the fibroid so off for bloods we went again.

The bloods showed another good rise so we were booked in 48hrs later for more. We were advised though during this time that they didn't think it was going to be a viable pregnancy.

After going back for more bloods I was told that they would be looking at other options. They were concerned that my levels were too high for a pregnancy they couldn't see and were treating it as ectopic. I knew it wasn't ectopic, I'd had no pain since the initial concern. That night I started bleeding and passed our baby. I had to go back the next day for more bloods and there was a significant drop in my levels which confirmed a miscarriage.

Its such an awful, tiring and numbing time being in limbo. Thinking of you x
Im so sorry to hear that lolie its heartbreaking and emotionally draining. Hope ur ok xx
Hi, I've had a similar experience to yours in terms of being messed around. I've had 2 Ectopics followed by a mc all this year. My first one was unknown until my tube ruptured I had excruciating pain, went to a and e, I was having fits, I couldn't stand without fainting and was being sick constantly. They left me in an a&e bed for 7 hours! They then sent me to a ward, when I got there I had another fit and fell out of the wheel chair I was in, I remember waking up and there was loads of nurses and drs around me, they were squeezing fluid into my arms and they finally took me for surgery. When I looked back on my records my blood pressure dropped to 25/35 and I nearly died, I lost 3.5L of blood through internal bleeding and needed a massive blood transfusion. I was furious when I started to think about it but at least it was over. The second time I was really cautious, went to the drs straight away to book a scan ASAP, they didn't book me in and then one morning I got a few mild pains. Went straight to a&e and explained about last time - I was panicking so much! they couldn't scan because it was a Saturday but did an internal examination and booked me in for a scan on the monday. Got more bloods on the Monday as well, scan showed nothing so said come back in 48 hrs. I ended up going back for 6 lots of bloods all 48 hours apart before I finally snapped and went mental! It was the worst 12 days of my life, the not knowing and constant worry! I only had one tube left so that was it! I had a breakdown at the hospital so they admitted me and said they want to do a laparoscopy, my bloods were all over the place, always going up but by differing amounts, sometimes doubling, sometimes going up by 2%. Eventually they got to 5000 so too late for methotrexate. When they did the surgery they prepped me beforehand saying that my tube will most likely have to go so then I'll need ivf. When I woke up the baby was actually in the top of the tube that they removed before (found out they only removed the bottom 80% and left the top bit) an egg should never have been fertilised there, they were so shocked they're actually writing a case study on it. I was devastated because how could it be ectopic again, I was annoyed that they didn't remove the full tube and I was relieved because I still had my other. It was such a hard time emotionally to keep on going!

I'm hoping my story will help you in that you're not alone,
I understand exactly what emotional turmoil you're going through, it's just awful!!

To top my awful story off,
I fell pregnant the cycle after the 2nd ectopic, finally in the right place! And had a mc :( that was 3 weeks ago!! It's so hard to stay positive and the awful roller coaster we are on is so unfair, I wouldn't wish this in my worst nightmare! But we need to stay strong, it will be our turn soon I'm sure.

I know none of this will relieve your tension or anxiety because I remember how I felt but it was nice to see I wasn't alone.

I really hope you get some answers soon. Big hugs xxxxx
Oh honey u have been through it. It is soo sad ur right. I hope things do work out for us both. Life can be so unfair sometimes. Big hugs xx
I know but I do feel positive now, I know it probably doesn't feel it but you will too once all the uncertainty has gone. I got a sense of relief even though it was bad news. Obviously im praying for good news for you! But even if it isn't you will be ok once it's all over and I'm sure we'll get our happy endings :) I always think we get this really bad luck and these sad times because we can handle whatever's thrown at us, whereas other people couldn't

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