Missed miscarriage but body still holding on, what next?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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I posted yesterday about a possible chemical pregnancy. Well I managed to get in at the doctors today.

They are classing it as a missed miscarriage as i tested positive after my period was due, she thinks I must have caught the back end of the dwindling HCG. She's taken bloods to confirm the pregnancy is over then said a doctor will call tomorrow with the results and a further appointment will be made to discuss what to do next.

I'm feel hollow, if that makes sense. To find out I was pregnant was nothing short of a miracle, to have it taken away is like a kick in the teeth. And to top it off my stupid broken body is hanging on to it and making this whole thing harder than it needs to be :(

Just wondering what to expect when it comes time to letting go of my bean? How will it happen? Medication or surgical, will I have a choice and if so which is the best?

Thanks for any info you can give xx xx
So very sorry lovely x

Have a chat with your doctor about your options to see what will be best for you.

I've just had surgical management after a MMC - it all went well and was out of hospital the same day but it does mean a GA of course. I haven't experienced medical management but there will be ladies on here who can offer you more information.
So sorry for your loss. I've had both medical and surgical and am now opting for surgical again. I have heard that if it's very early pregnancy, they recommend leaving it naturally, but that may only be hearsay and I'm sure you'll be allowed the choice. Good luck.
I'm sorry to hear your news. I'm just home from having surgical management (d&c) today. I had gotten myself into a huge panic over the whole thing but it was completely fine. Worst part in the whole thing was getting the needle in my hand for the general anaesthetic. I'm glad it's over now and I can move on. I only had the op about 4 hours ago and I feel fine, light bleeding but no cramping really and I don't feel sick.

I hope whatever u choose works out well xx
Sorry to hear that you're having such a terrible time. I lost 4 babies - 2mmc and 2 miscarriages (12wks, 6wks,7wks,10wks) - and I know exactly how awful it feels.

With both my mmc I went for the surgical option because I couldn't bear to wait. It was OK - felt a bit rough for a few days but then I didn't feel great with the two natural mcs I had either.... I chose the surgical option more for my psychological benefit than anything else - I needed it to be over.

After my last mmc I thought I'd never have another child. I'm currently 32 weeks with twins. I know it probably seems like a million miles away at the moment but don't give up hope xxxx
Hi sorry to hear your news. I had a mmc at 5 weeks so I think. I should have been coming up to 8 weeks next week. I have been spotting for 4 days and this eve I think I passed the sac. Personally I would do it naturally if possible. I have had cramps and bleeding but its not as bad as I imagines, also everyone is different. I hope you find peace either way. I know its upsetting, but it feels like a release. Xxx

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