My sister-in-law is 6 weeks pregnant and last night she passed some blood and jelly like stuff, does anyone know how soon a pregnancy test shows up negative if you have had a miscarriage, really sorry if TMI.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully everything will bel ok with your sil. From personal experience I mc at between 6 and 7 weeks and it took about 10 days to a fortnight for tests to be negative.
yeah it would take a while for the hormone to leave the body.
i did have a chemical pregnancy and i did a test on the day i started bleeding and it was a negative. but i was only about 4 weeks pregnant at the time.
i would have thought at about 6 weeks it would show up for a little while later.
AFter my first MC i showed negatice 5 days after (when the bleeding stopped) with the second i never showed positive cos i was spotting and didnt bother testing....was only when i passed everything that i knew what had happened
i had a period like bleed when i was 10 weeks we went to early pregnancy unit.. they scanned me and baby was fine.
they told me to rest for a couple of days... i laid on furniture all weekend. the rest is essential.
its so worrying... hope everthing will be fine for her x
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