Miscarraige then multiple CP's - Help


Mar 23, 2017
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Hi everyone

I'm looking for advice really as only my OH is aware of the situation and I'm going out of my mind slightly..

I had a MC at 5.5 weeks early April, I then had got (numerous) BFP early May meaning I would of got pregnant pretty much straight away after the MC but then had a CP a couple of days later. I got another BFP early June but the same thing happened, a couple of days later BFN so presumed CP.

I'm pretty good at spotting my early pregnancy signs now as it's almost exactly the same every time and I've never really had any PMS signs apart from a few mood swings here and there. About a week ago, I started to feel the signs again and had a 'feeling' I was pregnant but would of course been too early to test.

Then on Tuesday evening I started bleeding out of the blue (as mentioned I had CP early June, it was about 6/7th and last for about 6 days and exactly the same as the other CP in characteristics) as it's only been 2 weeks since the last bleed, I'm so confused, would it be too soon for me to of been actually pregnant this time and another CP so quickly? Or is it just an irregular period?

What complicates things further is that very strangely I stopped bleeding yesterday evening so I literally only bled for about 24 hours. That has never happened to me before, I'm always very consistent in that aspect. I would have that it could be implantation bleeding but there was quite a lot of bleeding, not 'light spotting' although something that I did find odd was it was quite brown at first.

I know that I ovulate around the middle of the month in case that helps anyone!

Apart from question about the possibility of actually being pregnant and having a possible CP so soon after, my other question and perhaps more of the reason why I am posting is:

Is this normal to keep have this many MC/CP's in succession? I'm obviously fertile but it just won't stick and I'm now really starting to worry that there could be an issue there. I'm going to make a doctors appointment but I've just moved house to a different area so I need to register.

Also not sure if it's relevant but I had CIN3 (severely abnormal cells on the cervix) removed in January 2015 and then was diagnosed with CIN1 again in Dec 2016 but we are seeing if it goes away on it's own.

One more thing I should mention, when I first had the MC, I went to the GP the next day and she said that she thought there was a link between my blood disorder (Thrombocytopenia) and MC's. She said that although I've only had one (known), I should get it looked in to as there could be more of an underlying issue there and just to see what I'm essentially up against. I then mentioned this to the doctor in EPU and she dismissed it but maybe the GP was right? I haven't been able to find much online about it but food for thought I guess.

I'm not a whizz at all this stuff yet and until the first pregnancy, I really had no idea about anything to do with ovulation, implantation ect! So still getting my head round the intricacies of how this all works.

Any help or guidance would be really appreciated.

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Hi Nadie, you seem to be at a similar stage to me, I also seem to get pregnant quickly in succession and lose very early on. I haven't had abnormal cells but potentially need a smear so perhaps I should book in.
Im at the point now where I will shortly get referred to gynae for recurrent miscarriage testing, personally I think its probably a hormonal imbalance potentially progesterone and I took agnus castus last cycle and got the strongest pregnancy test I've had, being a positive digital at 10 dpo (or what I believed to be 10dpo).
Im just waiting to have a negative test now after last bleed a few days ago. Xx
Hi both, I have a (hopeful) success story.. I have a three year old son who I conceived first cycle but when trying for number two between September 2016 and March 2017 I had 4 consecutive early losses, all at around 5-6 weeks. I was conceiving virtually every cycle and although they were early losses I felt crushed, like it was never going to happen. I was referred for recurrent miscarriage testing, all clear. I was advised to take a low dose of aspirin (75mg) a day and was prescribed progesterone pessaries to take as soon as I got my next BFP. Sure enough, I got my BFP the very next cycle (April) and am currently 15 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby. All is looking well. Please do not lose hope!

Interestingly, during my frantic internet searching I came across some research that suggests that some women, who seemingly conceive VERY easily, which it sounds like we all do, are more prone to recurrent losses and this may be because our uterus' are not very good at selecting healthy embryos- I.e. We will allow almost any conception to implant, when we shouldn't. I hope this brings you some comfort ladies and wish you lots of love and luck xxx
I am sorry of yr loss. Unfortunately there are too many reasons why a woman might experience pregnancy loss. It might be poor sperm quality, stress situations, immune or genetics issues, etc. I think it's time to check in with yr doc and consider doing additional tests. A friend of mine did karyotyping as her doc suspected she was having genetics issues. Finally she combined her treatment with PGS NGS, and got pregnant.
Thankyou, yes that is quite possible, I better start taking my aspirin again thankyou, unfortunately cant get progesterone apart from gynaecology clinic (can I?) so will have to wait for my tests xx
Thanks everyone for your replies and apologies for being a bit absent from her for a little while.

I've got some good news, I got (multiple) stong bfp's a couple of days ago (inc bfp on clear blue digital which I've never had before!) so I think the bleeding I experienced was actually implantation bleeding. It puts me at about 5.5 weeks at the moment so we will see. Based on the last few months, I am not overly hopeful it will stick so I'm just going to take each day as it comes. Although I'm expecting the worst, I can't help but get excited so I know it will be devastating if it happens again. Fingers crossed and I hope it will happen for you soon Treetrunks! x
That is fantastic news NadieMcc! Congratulations on your BFP! How are things going? I was so scared when I found out I was expecting this time.. especially around the time of the previous losses (5-6w); but the anxiety gradually eased after this and greatly reduced after 12 weeks. Hang in there! I really hope this is your sticky baby! Xxx
Congratulations Nadie!! There is hope yet!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xxx

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