Mirena coil removal - advice please!


Jul 3, 2014
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Hello Everyone

I am driving myself insane! :help:

I had my mirena coil removed on the 4 May.

I feel so pregnant but I know it’s far too early to test. I has slight bleeding for 2 days after removal but I haven’t had an AF.

This will be baby number 3, I have 2 DS aged 4&3 so I can remember some symptoms but I have never had a coil before - so I have no idea how long it takes to get back to ‘normal’

I am constantly bloated, feel sick, no appetite, tired, tummy cramps especially on my left side, day dreaming a lot.

I used OPKs and had 4 days of really dark positives between 17-20 May.
We DTD 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 & 20 May.

So I guess my question is can you get pregnant that quickly after having the coil removed or is this a mirena crash?

I had my Mirena coil removed in February of 2013 since I had to get it replaced. Since I didn't get my new coil in time, they told me to wait for one cycle and at the end of it, come back and they would insert the new one. Thing is, I never did get a cycle. I ended up getting pregnant right away. So definitely possible!
I had my Mirena coil removed in February of 2013 since I had to get it replaced. Since I didn't get my new coil in time, they told me to wait for one cycle and at the end of it, come back and they would insert the new one. Thing is, I never did get a cycle. I ended up getting pregnant right away. So definitely possible!
Thank you for replying!
I don’t quite know what’s going on with me I have a few symptoms but I can’t remember what it feels like to get a ‘normal’ period either.
I guess It’s just a waiting game now.

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