mirena coil - anybody help

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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I had the mirena coil on the 27 march, apart from slight bleeding no other problems.

just awoke this evening with a dull pain in my lower abdomen, felt like i wanted to open my bowels. went to the toilet and the ache is still there slightly.

anyone know if this can be a symptom of the coil. tried looking on website but cant find anything.
I had that feeling for about a week after having it fitted. Not sure if its normal to get it a while after, you maybe best phoning docs :?

I had mine 2 weeks ago. my sil says it is probably ovalation pain as its over my left ovary, which i used to get before.

Join the club, I was going to post on the Mirena as well but saw yours :) here I had a look on the side affects from this coil before I came on the forum. http://www.womens-health.co.uk/mirena.asp

Bloody thing. I had no problems with the other 2 years, they were a Gynaefix but this one I had fitted on the 3rd Feb and I have bled for practically the whole time I've had it fitted. I just read it takes about 3-6 months to settle properly - great! When I first had it fitted my period last 3 weeks. It seems I have a period for 3 weeks then lightly bleed for a week then I am on again.

So I can only presume your aches and pains will take time to settle as will my bleeding and aches and pains too. My period cramps are worse now than before I had Jayden as well since having this coil. I'll stick with it, I am sure it's a good one in the end.

I had this coil for about 10 years, only having it removed as we were ttc. I swear by it and it will definitely be my choice of contraception once LO is born.

I have to say though, I have never felt anything like you are experiencing. I had very slight period type pain for 2-3 hours after having it fitted/changed, but nothing after that.
I have just been to the nurse about my bleeding and she said it wil affect women in all different ways for up to 6 months. She did say though that it is brilliant like you say Tankett and for practically all women it will stop your period! Hooray!!!!!! I'm going to perservere!

She did mention with any aches though to just take ibuprofen so I don;t know if thats any help davina, but apparently it's normal for a few months.

Em xxx
Hi Emma

I think that it was just normal p;eriod pains as i have just got my period today. this is getting ridiculous. i hope that it will settle down in a couple of months.

I havent really stopped bleeding since i had liam only for 3 days and he will be three months on sunday!!!
I hardly had period pains before but since having the mirena my pains are horrible. Soon though for us both our periods will stop all together from it.

Em xxx
I've been reading lots on the coil and am supposed to be having it fitted next month but I think I am just going to get the cap instead. Hormone based contraceptives cause havoc to me, and the injection made me bleed for 9 months straight till I gave up on it and went back on the pill, so sounds like the coil could potentially do the same thing. Ho hum. :roll:
I used the cap at one point as well Sammy, it's OK. Why don;t you have a coil that doesn't have hormones. The IUD doesn't as hormone based things are bad for me too and I don't go near them, that's why I was worried about this coil as any slight hormone change and I am awful. The Mirena is an IUS not an IUD. I had a gynaefix before and had no problems with that at all, except the doctor cutting the thread too short and it stabbing the hubby and pushing it up in me - ouch. The cap can be a bit fiddley and as like condoms kills the moment as you faff about with the spermicide on it etc etc. I am allergic to spermicide as well! :roll: .

I did have the cap before I had Damo. Well, after the failed attempt at getting the coil put in they measured me for a cap to use whilst I waited to try again for the coil, but by the time I got it I must have already been pregnant but we still used it anyway till I did the test. OH said it felt like he was bashing a brick wall with his "ahem".... :oops:

I have looked into the coil without hormones but it can make your periods heavier and more painful. Mine already make me flood during the first few days and hurt alot, I take IBS releif tablets (Buscopan) to stop the cramps :?

it probably would kill the moment again, but we don't want to TTC till Damo is a year old so the coil might not even be worth fitting.

That and my mum got pregnant with my sister whilst using the coil and having it taking out almost made her lose my sister - my mum doesn't want me to have it done.

It's so darn confusing!! :x
Sami said:
I've been reading lots on the coil and am supposed to be having it fitted next month but I think I am just going to get the cap instead. Hormone based contraceptives cause havoc to me, and the injection made me bleed for 9 months straight till I gave up on it and went back on the pill, so sounds like the coil could potentially do the same thing. Ho hum. :roll:

Hi Sami i was exactly same as you on the injection, i bled for 9 months before giving up. Went back on the pill but carried on bleeding every 2 weeks for over a year!

I wasnt sure about getting the coil after all that but since having it put in i've had one period. Its great!!! Only thing is I find sex quite painful and it stabs OH in the bits :oops:
Hazel, I'd go back to the doctor if I was you if it's stabbing the other half as that's what happened to me, it was the doctor had cut the thread too short. Have it checked out as when I had the Mirena fitted he said that he was leaving them long so they seperate as if they are too short they will stab your partner. Hence why my hubby was getting stabbed when I had one a few years back.
Thanks for that Emma i will go to docs soon then and get it checked
i had mirena coil had it removed 4week ago as i suffered servere abdominal pain sometimes that bad i could not get up.. and also bad back pqins my periods stopped all together..i would never have it in again... now though only 4weeks after removal i think i am pregnant not sure if possible tho
Haven't had a period now this month. Think this lovely coil has stopped them yey!!!!!!
Lucky you emma. i did get a period. after 3 days of no bleeding. it seems to have slowed down and i dont bleed all day and then i get a little bit. i have my 6 week check next week, how long have you had yours in now emma.
Hi honey, I've had mine in since the 3rd February (good with dates eh?), noticed a little spotting but hardly anything xxx

did you bleed for the first 6 weeks a lot. mine has eased a lot this last week but i am still bleeding a little.

how areyou and jayden anyway.

Yeah I seemed to bleed non stop which did my head in but has definately settled now. I'll PM you as I am having more crap with the ex. xxxxxxxxxx

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