minipill users..


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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I've recently had some bleeding with the minipill a week after my first period since having Ryan, I've been on it just over a month and the bleeding lasted the whole of the weekend and was as heavy as a period, but appears to have stopped now.

The past few days I have been feeling very ill and sort of feverish in the evenings before bed (I take it at 8pm) and wake up feeling nauseous and wanting to be sick. And no I'm not pregnant lol, or at least I hope not..

Anyways.. this is what I got in the time coming up to when Ryan must have been conceived. I was bleeding a lot, irregularly, with a different minipill and it made my tummy hurt although I never actually threw up.

I'm happy to take a pg test although I'm not at all worried it could be that. Should I just put up with it though, and accept that the pills can cause irregular bleeding, or should I ask to be changed onto a new one? I'm on cerazette which the doctor said was unlike most of the other minipills and shouldn't make me ill.

With the coil having messed me around and now the minipill, I don't know what's best. Should I just stick with it and accept the side-effects? I don't know what else to do, and just using condoms isn't really ideal.
Id do a test just to get that out of oyur head and then if you can bear it see if it will settle down but if its that unpleasent then go back to the doctors. Hope it gets sorted out for you :hug:
thanks lilysmummy :)

i'm just worried because this is how Ryan started... i was on the pill with the same pill symptoms before and it failed me.
By the sounds of it you know you have to test just to but your mind at rest. I dont know what you want the result to be but I hope it will be what you want :hug:
I really wouldn't be happy with another baby just yet to be honest! Well, I'm being honest... lol

I'll go get a test and do it.. ok it's not early morning pee or whatever but midday pee will have to do 8)

I'm going to baby clinic this afternoon anyway so if I get it done before half one, assuming it's a neg, I'll ask them what they suggest re: the pill. I'm not so bothered with having to put up with the side effects, but I worry that the side effects will render the pill ineffective.
leckershell said:
I really wouldn't be happy with another baby just yet to be honest! Well, I'm being honest... lol

I'll go get a test and do it.. ok it's not early morning pee or whatever but midday pee will have to do 8)

I'm going to baby clinic this afternoon anyway so if I get it done before half one, assuming it's a neg, I'll ask them what they suggest re: the pill. I'm not so bothered with having to put up with the side effects, but I worry that the side effects will render the pill ineffective.

Good idea hun! It made me think this thread and I know I want another one but if I was now Id hate it. Well I hope its negative I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
You can have irregular bleeds on the mini pill. I was on cerezette for a few months and I bled pretty much the whole time I was on it. GP changed me to Noriday I would still have my normal period and at least 1 other bleed in the month that would last about 3 days. I'm now on a different one again ( I forget the name) and its still the same. I was at the hospital yesterday due to other problems I'm having unrelated to the pill and she said it can take 6 months for the bleeding to settle down. I now have to take 2 pills a day to try and keep it under control.
yeh im on cerazette too hun and i have reacted exactly the same on it as i did on the implant i can go for months without a perios or just occasional brown spotting and then i will have a full blown period that can last for anything up to 3 weeks. im afraid its just a side effect of the pill and im sure in my leaflet is says sickness, severe headaches, dizziness etc are also side effects so i dont know why your doc told you it wont make you as ill cus the family planning woman sed to me it doesnt suit a lot of women cus of the all the side effects which is why i chose the pill instead of the implant becasue its harder to have implant taken out if the hormone doesnt suit you. i have been on it for 5 months now tho and everything has settled dwn the only thing i get is now and again i will get a headache after taking it but its ok if i take it after a meal so switched to takin it in evenings instead. hopefully it will settle down for you too hun.

its a neg-diddly-egative by the way :D no babies brewing in this camp 8)
get the pill changed if it disagrees with u hun, i was on cerazette for one day but it gave me nausea almost identical to morning sickness! so i got it changed to noriday which is fine. hope u find a contraceptive to suit u, u havent had much luck with them hav u! :hug:
tell me about it LOL

is noriday a minipill then? think i'll ask about it :D
ive just come off cerazette hun and my periods were all over the place bled almost constantly for first 2 months then they would just come when they felt like it lol didnt get 1 at all november december january then had 3 in feb :shock: if you have been on it for 3 months or more id suggest getting it changed otherwise see if it settles down in the next month or 2 xxxx

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