Mini pill

Sam's Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Has anyone been on it? We had our 6 week check and HV visit this week... Toby's now 12lb 2oz and doing great :D

This is the first time we'll have used any sort of contraception since 2005 though - seems weird to have to think about trying not to get pregnant again (for a while at least :lol:) but I didn't have much choice as I'm breastfeeding. I was on the pill for years (cilest) and never had any problems with it but has anyone had any issues with the mini pill? It's still sitting all sealed up in the bag from the chemist!
I have no clue hun, I haven't been on the pill for years :)

Hope someone can fill you in :hug:
I should really have asked before I got it shouldn't I?! :rofl: I just got in there and realised I'd better pick something or I'd never get around to going back :lol:
Im on the mini pill atm, i was on the full one after having Brooke but i had constant spotting so made them change it, i was a little hormonal for the first few weeks but its soon settled down and im not pregnant yet after taking it for 6 odd months so, so far so good!!
Thanks... I'm sure hubby can put up with a few more weeks of crazy hormones :lol:
I was on it before we TTC this one. I didnt really give it chance TBH so I wouldnt like to slag it off when I only had a month or 2 on it! :lol:
At least it didn't take you long to get back to normal after being on it for a couple of months :D ..wonder how long it'll be before I get broody again! Not sure OH will want any more now though. We always said we'd have 2 :lol:
i was on it hon, from after having mads till a few months back, i found it fine, hardly any periods if i'm honest, but my gyne wasn't happy with my pcos, so now i'm pill free (and using party hats :lol:) until we're ready for baby no 2! i found it fine honey x
Party hats :lol:

I've finally opened the bag and just read through all the info (which I never do for anything!) and it's scaring me. I know they put all the worst possible side effects on there though. Going to start taking it tonight because I'll need to take it for 7 days before it'll start working anyway because I haven't had a period yet... I assume I'd be fine because I'm breastfeeding but I don't think I'm ready for number 3 quite yet...
I've been on it since Oliver, with no probs. Until 7 weks ago! I had no bleeding whatsoever, then I have basically bled not stop for the last 7 weeks. I really don't understand why. I'm wondering if it the reduction in bf thats done it.
Ah! Yes I'd say the reducing BF would affect the way your body reacts to the mini pill as the balance of hormones is altering. :)

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