milky boobies


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Does anybody know how safe or unsafe it is to express the build up of milk in pregnancy. I'm only 23 weeks pregnant but my boobies are already filling up with milk and I have been releasing every few days otherwise my boobies become very heavy and uncomfortable. Is it safe to do this does anybody know.
I don't know if it is safe because of the stuff that you produce when you have had your babe for the first few times is that really thick stuff full of niceness for babby. I would guess is what you leak but as it is natural and isnt a excessive amount then you will produce more as I arnt sure if you express now if when you actually do have to breast feed it will have the good stuff there for the first few feeds?
Mine are uncomfortable some days too, and seem to be tingly and achey when Isaac cries :roll: I don't know about expressing whilst pregnant, I would ask your MW :hug: If it works as it would after LO's born, then you could be increasing your supply, which wouldn't make things better, as you'd be filling up as much as if not more :?

Are you able to express much? I couldn't get hardly anything the first few weeks after Isaac was born, wouldn't have thought there'd be much there yet, even though I do know how uncomfy and annoying the boobies are when they're filling up :( :hug: :hug: :hug: Maybe ask in the Ask A Mum board? Really hope you feel more comfortable soon, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hmmm, I would have thought so because your body just produces more as and when it needs to.

I can't see the harm in it, but don't quote me on it because I know sweet FA about pregnancy LOL!! I'm just "assuming" which is naughty.

I would probably check with your MW, but it doesn't ring any weird alarm bells with me?! x
I'd be inclined to ask your MW.

Colostrum is produced when your baby is born as its the really important milk for the first few days. I doubt you are producing that now, but who knows. See what your MW says

will have a word with my midwife about it, I usually have the opposite problem of not producing anything. I got quite a bit out last night and am thinking i'm filling up early due to this being 4th pregnancy. I'll try and leave my boobies alone until I can speak to midwife. I'm just worried that it'll start prem labour more than anything and also the first few days milk stuff disapeering. I just wonder what people do when they already have a baby and are breastfeeding during pregnancy. Oh well will chat to mw when I can. Busy week next week sorting house, funeral, my birthday, meeting ect.
My first is 8yrs old now and I never lost my milk supply, it seemed to come and go depending on my hormones and stress levels, although Im sure it wasnt very nutritious

Now Im pregnant again I have had alot of milk production, I would not express though as this (I would have thought ) would stimulate you to produce more.

Would be interesting to check this out though may put it down as one of my ?'s for next visit to MW

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