

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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when do you start cutting down on milk and phasing it out? i think i remember the HV saying that they shouldnt really be using bottles by the time they are 1. and when do you stop steralising bottles, they are the only things we steralise now.
thanks for any advice :hug:
catherine told me on last visit to get rid of bottles by 12 months and also to stop steralising at 12 months...but u know what she is like may tell u something different :x

but its defo 12 months to stop steralising - i cant wait i dread that task every night :wall: :wall:

hope that helps :hug:
I read somewhere on the forum that you stop sterilising at six months...
well emma is 11 months at the end of the month (the 30th) so might stop soon i think i will start phasing out the milk after today and only give it in the morning and bedtimes for a bit, my only problem is is that emma doesnt drink much else, shes not keen on juice and will only drink a bit of it and a bit of water so im worried shell dehydrate, which probabally is just me worrying over nothing as she will probabally drink if she wants it and im just worrying over nothing :hug:
i have the same problem christopher only has tiny bits of water - i have stopped giving juice since he has got toothy pegs. so im going to still carry on with the morning and bedtime bottle of milk as they still need a pint of milk a day.
we have just swapped from cow and gate comfory to cow and gate next steps 4 as it has more iron so i know he is still getting enough iron even tho he has less milk.

think i night give 2 bottles a day until he is atleast 2 may be just give it to him in a beaker instead of the bottle.

but dont worry about giving milk as she still needs a pint a day for bones and teeth :hug: :hug:
We stopped Ella's bottles a couple weeks ago, she was still using one to fall asleep at night. Now she has milk in a cup twice a day instead.

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