

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Lol I seem to be asking a lot of questions on here lately...

But never mind here goes another one, lol.

What is the difference between the different varieties of formula you can buy?
I do actually plan on breast feeding if possible but I'm doing my hospital at the moment and was thinking just incase breast feeding doesn't go to plan I'm going to pack some of those cartons of ready made milk, but I do not have a clue which one to go for?

Is there any actual difference between Aptimil, Sma and Cow & Gate?

And which one is everyone else going for??

Ta :) x
I have no idea hun, you may be better to post this in ask a mum section as a lot of them will have made this choice x
Never thought of that :dohh:

Thanks Princess, I've posted it in the Ask A Mum section now too :)

Aptamil is really good - I have used it with the last 3 babies I have looked after (as a nanny), it is also what the hospital supplied to one of those babies who lost a lot of weight after she was born and the whole breast feeding thing didn't work out. I think to a point they are quite similar but there are various options when it comes to organic etc x
I used aptamil with my son also. Never had problems with vomitting, constipation etc that you often here about with babies who have formula. Definitely not going for formula with this one.
hi hun not sure if all hospitals are the same but my hosp provides the milk for you in ready made bottles x
I wish mine did, at my parentcraft class they told us in no uncertain terms they do not facilitate bottle feeding we even have to take sterilizing tablets. They seemed really funny about it :/ xx
I used sma for the boys but am using actamil this time as friends have got on really well with it. It seems to suit Rhea really well too xxx

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