

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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When did you all first let your kids try cows milk??

GP told me yest that as Madison has a good diet and is drinking the right amount of formula that i should start introducing cows milk slightly?? so her cereal is mixed with water that cows milk instead would be better so not actually replacing the goodness of the formula...

i gave her cereal this morn with cows milk and she LOVED it!!

so it got me thinking how what why where when sorta questions?!?!

doc said as long as shes still drinking 2 formula bottles a day till one and eating a good varied diet cows milk was fine as long as there is dairy intolerances in either side of family which there isnt?!

am i ok to let her have cows milk?? this whole allergy thing has me scared lol but i do find it a little OTT considering we all went onto cows milk at 6 months and there are far more intolerances now than there was when we were young???

sorry for long thread... anyway some advice on when u introduced cows milk etc and how much/often wud be much appreciated??? xx
I breastfed my daughter till she was 1year, i didnt introduce cows milk till she was 1yr either as i got told that cows milk wasnt alllowed till 1year?! As far as intolerences are concered if you tried her on it today then im sure she would have been sick or had tummy pain or upset f she was allergic to it? Im not too sure about it all as seems to me things are changing lol i wont be introducing solids till 6months and wont be introducing cows milk till 1year. x
Although I breast fed my son untill he was 1, I started using cows milk in his porridge and other cooking after I started him on solids at about 6 months.
Yeah I added it to cereal from 6 months and then as a drink from almost 12 months :)
In cooking from 6 months I think and not to drink until 12 months :)
ok ive tried it in her cereal and she LOVES it... she will not drink water atm she just keeps pushing it out and letting it run all over her face and yest i gave her a wee drink of cows milk from cup as she was looking summit bout an hour after her feed and i knew she wasnt hungry well OMG she had a drink and the biggest smile ever crept on her face she loved it lol straight outta the fridge too but gp said a drink of it was ok as long as i wasnt taking her formula away xx
its weird lol my health visitor sed amy can start having it on cerals whats the differents with her having it in ceral than drinking it i havent put any in her ceral yet. when i was little me mam give me some mil from the age of 9 months my brothers were on it from 6 months and its not affected them its all weird

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