Milk protein allergy


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
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After a bit of a frustrating start in life it emerges that the paediatricians thinks that my ds is mpa. He's now coming up for 12 weeks old and seems to be settled on pregestimil (a prescription formula which stinks and tastes disgusting and results in green stinky runny poos! Sorry tmi) he was on lots of reflux meds and being tube fed for a while but is now only on gaviscon and taking 4/5oz every 3/4 hours and starting to show signs of sleeping through :)
Just wanted to find out if anyone else is or has been through this same issue, and how your lo's have coped?
How you went about reintroducing normal formula, and when? Weaning? And also to see if there's a chance the docs have got it wrong, and it may have been something else, stomach bug?!
Sorry for all the questions, just a little confused and wondered if anyone could share any advice.
Cheers Davina x

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Zach has a suspected milk protien allergy and is on nutramigen, which also stinks! I don't think his was very servere, so the dietician told me to carry on with the nutramigen for as long as he is on milk (better for me as it's free!) but not to keep him on a milk free diet when I wean him, as he might grow out of it. She told me to introduce one thing at a time, so I know if he has a bad reaction to it.

Have you been to see a dietician? If not, I would ask your health visitor to refer you and they can give you advice specific to your LO. Good luck xxx
Forgot to say, the special formula will give your LO everything he needs, so even if the doc was wrong, it won't do him any harm to be on it, and you can reintroduce milk based foods when weaning to see if he still has it xxx
Thanks for the reply, I thought I was on my own for a while, I know 'squeakz' is going through the same thing as well.
We are meant to be seeing a dietician at 4 months when we might start weaning but I haven't had the appointment through yet.
Will be interesting to know how you get on and if you have any advise as things progress. We don't have anyone in the family with this mpa so it's all new to us! But I agree about the milk, at least it's free even if it does stink!
Can I as a tmi question, what's your lo's poos like on nutramiegin? Henry's are very green and a bit runny every one says this is normally but it looks anything but normal!

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His poo is green, it's more like a thick paste than runny (ha that sounds lovely!). I think it's normal. How is your LO now he is on the milk. Zach is a lot more content, and settled, not crying all the time and not as windy as before, that's why I don't want to try normal formula again in case it comes back. I am going to start to wean him with the porridge you add water to, not milk, as it already contains milk and then I can see if he has grown out of it.

It is so worrying isn't it, I have had no experience of it before either.

Chase up your appointment, you can get some proffesional advice, and will help put your mind at rest xxx
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Green paste is a great description, his is the same :)
He's been fine on the milk doing really well, just keen to find out if he is mpa. Before he was put on the milk he was fine other than projectile vomiting once and having mucus/blood in his nappies. Which we were told could have been a few things but he was put on milk just incase.
I will chase up that appointment. Thanks for replying :)

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