

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I've been suffering from migranes for the past 18mths. I take Co-Codamol. Does anyone on here also suffer and if so does anyone have any idea what I may be able to take once I fall pregnant?
I think the only thing you can take when pregnant is paracetamol, or use those cooling strips or 4head sticks.

I might be wrong though.
Thanks hun.

Paracetamol don't even touch the pain TBH :? . But I've never tried the cooling strips. I've also heard that the wheat bags that you warm up in the microwave are good also.
i love the cooling strips ! i use something simialar for shoulder pain as i hate living on ibruprohen thingy
I used to suffer from terrrible migraines.
and they got worse during pregnancy, whilst i was pregnant i was able to take something called PARAMAX, it is a soluable sachet with Metaclopramide to stop you feeling sick. But if you breast feed they recommend you only take paracetamol.

You may find that taking tablets wont work, because with some peoples migraines their gut movement slows or stops, so the tablets just sit in the stomach un absorbed, i found i had this because sometimes the tablets would work and then other times they would not.

So i started taking soluable tablets or powders as they get taken up very quicky, and they seem to do the trick.

I also find a heat lotion on my neck or temples helps ease the pain.
Lavendar wheat bags are good too.

During pregancy i had acupntcure and that seemed to help my headaches and i also started wearing a magnetic braclet by Bioflow which has also seemed to help.

I hope this gives a little help to you, as i really sympathises with others who get migraines. Pm me if i can help any more.
Thanks for that. The PARAMAX sounds worth a try. Altough I probably won't need to worry about it for ages....

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