Migranes after Birth


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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for the past couple of days i have been suffering with the worst migrane ever i feel totally off i have tryed everything to take it away but no it still comes back no matter what also i have a terribly nervous feeling in my stomach. Is this normal after labour?
if you had an epidural it can cause bad migrains ibrufen and lots of coffee and give your gp a ring my friend had a lumber puncture a while ago and had a simular prob but she couldnt lift her head of a pillow she was fine when layed down just standing made it real bad could also be stress and tiredness hun alot of changes going on for you xx
I have had headaches constantly since birth. I went to the docs on fri and she couldn't explain them :(
Hi Adele,
How long ago did you give birth? I, personally, would phone NHS Direct and ask them. You can get pre-eclampsia after givien birth - up to about 4 weeks after apparantly (though v rare) normally it is within about 5/6 days after.
But yeah, also an epidural can cause it.
Hope this helps
Leanne x
Hi Adele,
How long ago did you give birth? I, personally, would phone NHS Direct and ask them. You can get pre-eclampsia after givien birth - up to about 4 weeks after apparantly (though v rare) normally it is within about 5/6 days after.
But yeah, also an epidural can cause it.
Hope this helps
Leanne x
I gave birth last saturday and constantly suffered from migranes to the point where I need to put sunglasses on when am outside its calmed down a little over the last two days but its stull there very dull xx
two times have i had this since i gave birth, its awful, i can barely pick noa up and the flat need to be in the dark!
Today its just a really bad headache, and its always behind my left eye :( im gonna try to take a walk anyway and see if i feel better tho.. did yours go away soon after adele?
its awful isnt it well i got tablets from the doctor really strong ones and they still never took it away it did go away a few weeks after but it still comes back now and again but it should ease off in the next coule of weeks for you xx

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