might not get my house, im gutted :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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argh, ive just heard from my potential landlady... if i dont hear from the council tomorow about them paying the rent on the house, shes going to give it to someone else. im gutted. i really pictured myself in that house. and i am keeping everything crossed that i hear from them.

i called the council today and they put me through to housing benefits and then they put me through to the rent officers and they told me to get back in contact tomorow.

grrr so much messing around and putting me on hold. im really keeping my fingers crossed, i dont know where im going to live if this doesnt all work out....ill have to look for another house, this house is a 2 min walk from my Bf flat, he will be staying at his and im allowed my dog there. it all seemed so perfect :cry:
Sorry to hear that hun but will be keeping my fingers crossed for you, hope it works out. Guessing you could do with a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey, me again lol
Ive just been thinking and the council can't turn you down for housing benefit because the law says you are entitled to live on so much a week/month and if you can't afford some or all of the rent then the council should give you HB. It might be worth getting in touch with citizens advice to see if they could help, this is their web address

Hope this helps :hug:
lauranjamesnbaby said:
Hey, me again lol
Ive just been thinking and the council can't turn you down for housing benefit because the law says you are entitled to live on so much a week/month and if you can't afford some or all of the rent then the council should give you HB. It might be worth getting in touch with citizens advice to see if they could help, this is their web address

Hope this helps :hug:

just spoken to my OH and he said they should accept it, its not a big house its a cottage, and he had a friend who got her rent paid for my the council and it was a bigger place in a better area.

i will loose this house if i dont get a decision tomorow, but i guess it will either be a yes or a no, a yes would be great, a no would mean i cant have it anyway (although id be hard pushed to find cheaper rent for an equivelant house)

what will hurt me most is if i cant get a yes or a no out of them, because then it might have been a yes, but just not soon enough. grr

thank you for keeping your fingers crossed. i think ill cry either way tomorow out of happiness or sadness, depending on the outcome.
really hope u get an answer in time :hug: and it be yes obviously :lol:
Fingers crossed for tomorrow :pray: The house sounds lovely :)
Really hope that you get a yes tomorrow hun :pray:

Mildly said:
Fingers crossed for tomorrow :pray: The house sounds lovely :)

oh it is! just perfect for me and Sophie and Gracie! new carpets and the people who left just painted it all back to cream. the bathroom is beautiful and i can just seem myself in there with my new baby. :pray: :pray: :pray:
Oooh hun :( Sorry - damn council huh!! :wall:

Well, if worst comes to worst, there'll be another house you like! And by the time Sophie is born you'll be all settled in and comfy there :D

This isn't the end hun, there'll be other options and other opportunities! People like you deserve all the best luck in the world and I'm sure if there is any justice in the world they'll ring you tomorrow with a BIG FAT YES! :cheer:

Hi hun,

Hope all is going well I dont want to upset you now but a few years ago they changed the rules on age with regards HB! if you are under 25 and claiming your single then they may turn you down and only get HB for bed-sit accomodation but I dont know if this rings true as you are pregnant.

http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAnd ... G_10018926

I know for certain the rules for council or Housing Association properties is that you can live in a one bed flat until the baby is 1 year old then they get points then!

This country is a joke and hope that you get your house hun.. i've read your past threads and the rough time you and your partner have had and i would say you are due a break.. :D

Like lauranandjames i would seek advice from Citizens Advice if they do turn you down.

Take care and have my fingers crossed for you.
Kathy x
I'm sorry i wasn't around yesterday to have a chat sweetie.
I hope that they get in touch today, for all your sakes.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed after 9am that they call you and say its all sorted, let me know chick xxxx
im nervous, but im going to call the rent officers and see what they say....me heart is pounding! :pray:
mmonroemaniac said:
im nervous, but im going to call the rent officers and see what they say....me heart is pounding! :pray:

Good luck :pray:
they arent allowed to look at any more forms! theres a new system coming in on money, and ive got to go into the council and find out how much my rent allowance will be then i can look for a house up to that value.

they have had that form since the 14th of March and they have'nt even looked at it! :x i just want to shout F*CK............

im going to see if the landlady will hold on till monday i doubt it as the people who can move in today have 2 months rent as deposit. :roll:

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