might be on TV!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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In 2003 my brother was on Teen Big Brother and got a lot of press attention because he did 'naughty naughties' in the house. The producers of Big Brother just rang and said they want to film him for a catch up program! His little 'fame' stint has died down and the press aren't interested any more so it's exciting that they want to do some filming with him again. Obviously me and my bump are gonna get in on the action! I will be on telly grrr :D
you go girl :D :D let us know when its on so we can all watch out for you waving madly in the background
did he really jiggy jiggy on tv!!! How funny!
woooo you will have to tell us when you will be on, what time, what channel etc LOL i will be there looking out for you hun!!! how exciting!!! :D
OMG was that your brother?? :shock:

Wooooo let us know when its gonna be on so we can see you! :D
MissGobby said:
woooo you will have to tell us when you will be on, what time, what channel etc LOL i will be there looking out for you hun!!! how exciting!!! :D

I posted the same time as you just then and we said almost the same....weird lol :eek:
It will be on channel 4, I know that much. The producers are on the phone to my bro right now so i'll be able to tell you more. It is exciting but we got a lot of stick from it as well so it will be interesting to see how people react to him now.
wow cool whens it gonna be aired ,need to update us on it :) when u know :p

baby gets fame too :)
He's off the phone to them and they told him it's for a program about Big Brothers most memorable housemates!! By the sounds of it it will just be my brother and the girl he did the deed with so I might not get my mug on tv after all :roll:
They are gonna ring him next week to arrange a date for filming. I think he's getting paid for it as well.
aww I was just about to ask you to mention all of our names and wave too :cry:

I love big bro, let me know when he's on TV!
hey can we get a PF forum t-shirt made and get the girl to wear it? Whaddaya reckon :lol:
omg I remember watching that - that was your brother?! :shock: The randy little so-and-so haha!
I remember him!!!!!!!!!
Forum t-shirt sound like a good plan!!
Or I could do some sort of special wave or have a secret code word relating to the forum :lol:

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