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Might be leaving you girls!! :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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with all the storms going on around my house last night, no electricity etc etc i had time to think to myself and found myself thinking about me and Danny and our relationship and everything.

I say to myself im not bothered about going drinkin, going down town, going out with mates etc but when i went out Saturday i REALLY enjoyed it and relised what i am actually missing...i know that sounds really sad....

I love Danny to bits and would never cheat on him/leave him etc but i got thinking that i wish i could have met him in a few years, he is the man i want to settle down with and spend the rest of my life with...just wish it was in a few years so i could enjoy being free and have a laugh, does that sound really selfish????

well i got thinking anyway and thought you know, we havent even got a house, Danny's in debt, and i would like to just enjoy my life a little bit more before having a child. i would love a baby more than anything and if i did get pregnant i would be over the moon but i just think right now im not 100% ready deep down. I am sat here crying (how sad am i??) but im sure i wont be able to leave you all and leave the forum....i will still pop on and say hello but think its for the best....just for the time being anyhow

Ah Miss G.... You have to do what feels right for you... You are still young and have loads of time to decide what you want!

Sounds like you have been doing a lot of thinking. Have you spoken to Danny about it all? Might be a good idea to have a heart to heart with him.

Hope whatever happens it's for the best.

Good Luck

Sus x :hug:
Miss G - far better to decide now - you have years ahead of you yet - good luck whatever you decide :hug:
Sorry to hear that missG, i hope every thing works out for you :hug:
Aw MissG :hug: :hug:

Its better to realise that now than further down the line when you're PG and wish you had waited a while :hug:

You cant leave us though, even if you just visit to say hi and have a chat :D

The prezzie I sent you yesterday probably wont be much use now but you can keep it aside for when you're ready :hug: :hug:
:hug: Oh Miss Gobby, you have plenty of time to have babies when you are sure you're ready, but make sure you don't leave us! You know us all now and we know you (well with over 4000 posts you'd think we do anyway :rotfl: ). What would we do without you?? :hug:
You have loads of time hon. Live your life!!!
You should do whatever you feel is the best thing for you! your only 20 hunni and have years ahead of you and loads of time to have a baby.
And your being really sensible thinking about the financial side of it and all.

Whatever you do good luck and dont leave us forever, your ace and good luck for whatever you decide to do! :hug:
im sure u wont leave us :wink: , its great you've had a real think about it , have a good talk with danny and just do whats right for you .

maybe use the time to get married ( its a great feeling to be married when u start ttc) thats of cause if u still want too ! and find a home n stuff , see what danny gonna do for career , get settled again and start tryng ! and maybe next time you'll fall straight away cos it will be the right time !
You're a very sensible lady MissG. It's not an easy decision to make but you did it. You've got loads of time, and when the time is right it'll happen for you.

Good luck with getting things sorted :hug: :hug:
aww hunni, does look like you been thinking alot.
you do have alot of time ahead of you..
i do think you should takl to Danny and that. see what he says

well make sure you do come back please and say hello

good bye for now
take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww babe :hug:

Sometimes the best decisions are the hardest to make, but they are usually the right ones.

If its what your inner voice is telling you, then your doing the right thing by listening, and thats a lesson we all learn at some time or another.

But please dont leave us! :hug:

I know it might not be easy for you to be here as much, but we want to know how your getting on so pleeeeeease come back and say hi whenever you feel like it.

Oh and youve got my mobile no so feel free to text me anytime :hug:
Hey hun

Sad that you are leaving us, BUT imo you are making a really good decision. It is incredibly mature of you to realise now, that you would prefer to wait a bit before having children,than doing it and wishing you had waited.

To be frank, I applaud you for making that decision.
Just goes to show what a great mum you will make when you do have children. Huge hugs hun, and don't leave us completely :hug:
uv got plenty of time MissG, well done u for realising this!! u will make a fab mummy one day but for the time being, live ur life and u wont regret it!! dont leave us tho, we need u here!!! :hug:

you must have had this in the back of your head for a while. Like other have sed you are young and should enjoy it. Its better you made this decision now rather than later as it would have been to late to go back and you probably would have been miserable. You got plenty of time to settle down, but from that post i guess youre not ready to, as you have seen wot you missing out on.
Not sure what you ment with danny, are u gonna break up with him?
its sad to see you go, but you re doin wots best for you and i wish you all the best. :hug:
As every one else has said you are young and should enjoy your life before tying yourself down with a baby glad you have made this decision now before it was too late how does Danny feel about it?

Jemz24 I dont think she means she doesnt want to be with Danny just in alot of ways she wished she met him a little later giving her more time to be young free and single before settling down, I think alot of people who find theyre partners fairly young feel this at some point, (I got with my OH at 17, im now 23) its like you know theyre the man you want to spend your life with but wished you'd had longer to enjoy being commitment free first, but having someone you love does stop you being young or having fun! Get out there enjoy your friends your partner and life in general!
hey girls you softies - im sat here in tears reading all your lovely posts!!!!

well im not leaving the forum, how could i live without you girls? your like my 2nd family :lol: but im just going to put TTC on hold for a while.

with regard to Danny im NOT breaking up with him i love him to bits, just dont want to have these feelings and fall pregnant then not want to be in the situation i am in and have a baby, i love Danny to bits and i want to spend my life with him but having a baby is a VERY big step and i think, while im having these feelings, that should be put aside for a while. :hug:

dont worry though girls - you dont get rid of me that easily!!! :wink:
Thats good news


We'll still appreciate your input on our TTC obsessions though :D !!

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