

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
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i'm quite confused about my midwife.. i dont really know who she is :rotfl:

my 1st scan and booking in appointment was at 9+1

1 mw did my scan, and another mw took all my details, which i presume was the booking in..

it wasnt at my hospital - they hire rooms at clinics which are closer to where you live - i dont go the hospital until i'm giving birth..

then i went to see my gp mw at 13+5

another mw rang my house at 15 weeks and said she wanted 2 come and see me, which she did - and just discussed child classes and that..

then i had my 20 week scan yesterday at the same clinic as my 1st scan - but with a different midwife again?

altogether i have now had 5 mw's either scanning me, taking details from me, coming to my house..

when people say ''if your worried speak to your mw''

who would i speak to?
That's all a bit confusing, isn't it? First off, the people doing your scan probably weren't midwives, but sonographers from the hospital. When you went for your booking in scan did they give you your notes? Usually the telephone number for your midwife team will be in the front there, and you can contact them if you have a problem. I think a lot of midwives work as a team so you aren't assigned your own personal midwife, but you may see any of them from a team of between 4 and 10. If there's one that you particularly get on with, I'd ask her name, and then when you make your appointment you could perhaps ask for her? Also, when you go in the midwives should be happy to discuss how they work, so it might be worth asking them and saying you're a bit confused about whose care you are under, and they should explain the arrangements in your area.

I supose it's good in a way because if there's one you don't get on with you can avoid them and go and see a different member of the team, rather than being stuck with them the whole time.
thank you :)

i dont think the people at the clinic are anything to do with me really..

but maybe the mw who came out to my house, as she got in touch with me.. although, she did ask me on the phone if i was still breastfeeding? when i havent even had the baby yet?

and then when she realised her mistake, she continued to call me alison, when my name is amanda haha?

i think for now, i'll jus stick to my gp mw if i have any problems - just that it can be a few weeks before there are any appointments..

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